
These assholes know they’re rapists. They play dumb to fend off consequences, the same way far too many men play dumb about the house being dirty so they won’t have to help clean it up.

As literally the only shred of evidence they had was her own testimony, and she now had contradictory prior recollections, they had no case.

Constand didn’t file her civil suit until after the D.A. said he wouldn’t prosecute. She cooperated with the police investigation completely, to the best of my knowledge, so her ability to testify should not have been a factor.

No, in fact that’s not only not obvious but conflicts with the complaint filed in court. This is a screenshot from a section discussing a phone conversation he had with Andrea Constand’s mom on Jan. 17, 2005:

I’m not sure that’s true. Look at non-sexual assault arrests in the NFL, no one much cared about those without photos or videos. Hell, even Darren Sharper’s initial story didn’t get much press or thought until it became a 4+ state serial issue. Society tends to give the benefit of the doubt to people we entrust to

That’s not meant to belittle the evidence. It’s important. But it’s one piece of information, compared to a pretty sizable amount they already had. It’s key, but it alone isn’t what makes the case against him. I don’t think they could bring charges if that was all they had.

What’s changed, I think, is that we as a society have undergone a (long overdue) sea change in how we view crimes against women. We’ve still got a long way to go, but I think (hope) we’ve passed the tipping point, and we no longer dismiss such claims so easily, nor do we so readily give the benefit of the doubt to men

To be fair, it is definitely more of a “this type of thing used to be swept under the rug much more easily by rich and/or famous people” thing than a “story we all knew about but wasn’t salacious enough of a scandal to investigate because we are all horrible human beings” kind of situation.

The fact that the only reason this case got credence now is because more women came forward is example of how no one cares about this or any other type of this story unless it’s sensational.

He was awesome in every respect. Funny, poignant, and magnetic. His message was that we, as a nation, have got to get back to the business of working towards prosperity for ALL Americans. He spoke out against sexism, racism, and Islamaphobia. He told many incredible stories about what Hillary has accomplished, both in

People not voting or voting against their own self-interests? Extreme aversion to raising taxes?

It’s easy to say religion as already stated but I think that only is half the problem. The other half? Money. Making it and keeping it.

I was lucky enough to meet Bill Clinton last night, and his remarks nearly made me cry in public. We have gone so far backwards in the last 15 years, in just about every respect. We have been better than this. We can better again.

Not to mention they have yet to show me they are “pro-life” in any way. They support the death penalty, complete deregulation of gun control, doing away with WIC/Head Start/the Department of Education/low cost birth control/affordable healthcare/sex ed in schools/lower cost higher education. Pretty much anything that

Religion. We have too much religion.

Because, they’re not actually “pro-life” they’re “pro-birth”. They could give 2 shits what happens after birth.

George Carlin said “ pro-life is anti-woman” and that is a true description of the movement,

The U.S. healthcare system

No kidding. The brand of pro-life these people push reduces women’s bodies to objects that the women themselves have no autonomy over. Fuck that noise, that’s about as anti-woman as you can get.

I really dislike these “pro-life is pro-women” posters. I do not think anything could be farther from the truth.