
And how is freaking out when you find out you’re THIRD TRIMESTER PREGNANT sketchy? I’d freak out if I found out I was any pregnant and I’m even kinda trying.

If I read that incorrectly or, as you say, read something that wasn’t there at all, then I apologize for that misapprehension.

Nah I’m speaking to how women’s reputations are often used against them regardless of what the reputation actually is. The material facts may point to her as a murderer, but emphasizing her reputation as a good girl means nothing because if she had the opposite reputation they’d be saying that’s the cause.

All his films tend to at least break even though. So even a “bomb” for him is still making some minor money (at least once streaming and physical media sales are added).

In college I decided to not take my antidepressants on a regular basis and ended up having about 2 panic attacks and countless crying spells in the course of one week. Williamson can fuck right off into the sun

THIS THIS THIS THIS! When anyone starts trash-talking antidepressants around me, I shut it down quickly by pointing out that without them, I -- or, quite possibly, other people (my anger ratchets up when I’m untreated) -- would be dead. I’m glad you’re here. <3

Keanu is everything. 

I think that it’s relevant for Marianne because she seems like the Louise Hay “if you’re sick, it’s your fault for being a negative person” type, and that’s something we should know about someone who wants to be president (or, in her case, grow her profile so she can make more money from her bullshit ideas).

Depression is a disease that literally kills people.

Telling people with a fatal disease that they’re wrong and bad for taking medication that can save their life? That’s heinous on every single conceivable level, and especially reprehensible in the context of what depression does to our self-conception.

It’s something I’m not used to because every year around this time I’m training like an angel.

Only the most hubristic of people think this couldn’t happen to them. I am generally against charging these cases unless you can prove the child was forgotten on purpose. These parents suffer so greatly after. It’s harrowing.

This, I believe, is every parent’s secret nightmare.

It’s really a shame because the problem with Brandon Routh’s Superman wasn’t Brandon Routh but was, instead, a poor script and just a bad movie. He was actually excellent for the part and continues to be excellent for the part today. I’d absolutely love to see him again as Superman. He fits the part, he just need

The video in the blue dress is extremely distressing. I had no idea my vagina was such a useless POS. All this time I’ve been relying on my hands like a fucking rube.

There is nothing more satisfying than hearing my nails tapping and my cheap ass rings shining. My job is boring as shit, why shouldn’t I add some glitter and gaudiness to make myself smile! 

A brown diamond is about half a step away from being a charcoal briquette.

as an echo owner I can say that it makes several common tasks _much_ easier. unit conversions, math, trivia, as well as lights, distances, and anything I would normally need my hands for while cooking or getting dressed.

I went with TP-Link because they were cheaper than Philips Hue and they work great. I’ve got two of the plugs that work with any lamps and two smart bulbs that change color. If you go without the color changing option it’s cheaper but I find it fun and guests are usually overly entertained by them. No hub needed for

This is a common mentality and I just don’t care. There’s no evidence that anyone is listening and even if they were, congrats on your insider knowledge that I’m a big weirdo. I use mine about 75% for turning lights on and off without having to get up. Worth it.

It’s more of a common convenience. I’ve never seen my Echoes as a solution to my problems, but it can make random tasks slightly easier.