It’s too soon for Thoughts & Prayers™, we’re still at step one which is Blame Radical Islamic Terrorism™ (but only if the guy isn’t white).
It’s too soon for Thoughts & Prayers™, we’re still at step one which is Blame Radical Islamic Terrorism™ (but only if the guy isn’t white).
If we all just offer up enough Thoughts and Prayers (tm), we’ll never have another mass shooting again.
I can’t believe they’re both really gone.
My feeling is, if you are sufficiently ignorant of history and context to the point where you say things that are indistinguishable from things an actual bigot might say, your lack of awareness isn’t really a defense against the accusation.
Maybe that was her intention, but calling it black people food put the racist cherry on the top of that shit sundae.
Here’s why you’re wrong... (1/257)
Lutheran or Canadian?
The more I live, the more entrenched I become in distributionism and my belief that it may really be the only way to stabilize society. Capitalism has decent features, but the problem is that it’s inherently hungry - it has no end point, it has no “goal” other than to keep acquiring and consuming. Socialism has its…
The way I see it, 2016 is the equivalent of a 3-hour Peter Jackson IMAX movie that’s nothing but Gollum jerking off.
If Voldemort hate-fucked the Emperor, their baby would be 2016.
ESPECIALLY when compared to Michelle Obama! Our current FLOTUS exudes genuine grace and compassion. Melania looks like the kind of person who tries to get the coat check person at a country club fired for “taking too long”.
What am I missing?
No, it’s not reasonable to ask women to wear tiny dresses and dance around a rapist who specifically targets women who look like they do.
I’ll hold your purse.
I’ll hold your earrings.
No. No, no, no, no, no. David Bowie hurt. So did George Michael. But damnit, this hits me right in my core. Star Wars was my childhood, and remain my very favorite movies to this day. It’s woven into my identity in a way that is reserved for only a handful of other books and movies.