Lovely Alexander

How do you feel about nonsense? Because it's complete nonsense. But not for the sake of being nonsense. It's very, very silly.

That this show is ending reminds me that all the people I love most in the world are going to die one day and there's nothing I can do about it.

You'll find a Harry Potter version of the Brooklyn Nine-Nine intro on page 3.

You beautiful bastard. I'm not sure which of those words has the emphasis, but it could well be both.

I'm all for torturing Helena. But only if we get to see the contents of her pockets again.

I'm starting to well up.

It's frightfully plebian.

No word yet on whether it'll be delivered by Braff on Faison's shoulders screaming "EAAAGL… ITAAARIAN".

You're just jealous you'll never be a hashtag typist/harbinger/wordshitter…

I would like The Gang to be in Westeros. Mac could join the Kings Guard, Frank would fit right in with the Dothraki, Charlie could be freed from Charlie Work by Daenerys, Dennis could pop up as the mentor of Ramsey Snow and Dee would be a raven. Because she's a big stupid giant bird.