
To the many other beautiful women already on here I will add

Madchen Amick from twin peaks circa twin peaks. someone post a photo please!

I LOVE THAT DRESS. I want it in my life.

So being 126 pounds overweight is a way of showing you’re a feminist?

That manicure is sooo pretty, but I could not function with nails that long. I’m in awe of those who can.

Somewhere in a room with kitten wallpaper on the walls, Taylor Swift is texting her squad to come over for a ouija board sleepover to conjure a curse on Katy Perry. And bake cupcakes.


Not sure if that was intentional, but you refer to Katy Perry as being “in Music”, rather than as a “Musician”.

Those blood donation bans really surprise me especially because they exist in countries that are much less homophobic than mine, but we don’t have any limitations on gays donating blood.

Perhaps you weighed the same doing a lot of exercise, but certainly you noticed a change to your body—your muscles had to have been tighter, no?

It does different things to different people. A regimen that will get one person fit may do nothing for someone else. And some bodies are just more resistant to change than others.

THIS SO MUCH. Vote in EVERY ELECTION YOU CAN. Not just the big one for President. EVERY SINGLE ELECTION.

Marengo went to John F. Kennedy International Airport to meet the group for the flight home, but security thought he was homeless and made him leave. Being unable to protest, he boarded the subway without a destination.

You idiots are still not voting?

...will she have to brush it so it doesn’t get cavities?

All of it screams of “Ahhhh women’s bodies are sooooo sexual and boys can’t control themselves! Protect the girls from becoming sluts and tempting poor boys!”

Oh PETA, always trolling. Showing naked bodies does nothing for animals. But it does always get press coverage. Of course if SeaWorld had to close, it wouldn’t change anything because the orcas would end up being sold to marine parks in other countries. Not a single one is releasable according to NOAA guidelines. And