
Kid throws a left elbow prior to the ref’s push. He’s likely an asshole with an Audi titled in his father’s name.

I made this the other night because fuck this guy

Nope. The whistle blew well after Sherman got to the ball and kicker.

The refs blew it for not blowing the whistle. Sherman, and everyone including the kicker, played through the down without hesitation because there was no whistle.

Watch the tape again.

Thank you, lone voice of rule, logic and reason. People can opine all they want about whether they disliked the Sherman play, but it was called correctly. He played until the whistle blew and first touch was on the ball. The delay of game call, on the other hand, was AWWWWful.

Sorry there, bud, but reality doesn’t match your narrative. Sherman didn’t get penalized for roughing the kicker because the officials didn’t blow the whistle until after he hit the kicker and got a hand on the ball. He was offsides, for sure, but there’s no roughing the kicker penalty because he contacted the ball

The play was obviously dead? Then why did the kicker continue his kicking motion?

Says the guy who isn’t one of the people involved. Put a gun in your hand and have someone stab you in the face repeatedly and see if that rationale persists in your mind.

Eh...sounds like the Seattle area.

if youre pegging the pitcher you’re doing it wrong

am I the only one here that likes it?

God dammit no, keep it secret, I like how chicken quarters are still cheap while all those white meat loving chumps eat their dry chicken.

easy to be disturbed by the tweets at first, but shout out to all you Kiro 7 viewers who initially yelled out a "What the fuck?!?!?" at your TV, and then shortly after resumed your grip on reality. Hopefully the non-tweeters outnumber the tweeters here. And no, I can't believe I just wrote the previous sentence.