
I really like Emmy Rossum :)

How does any contractor get a job? They put in the lowest possible bid.

How the shit can you "abandon" a miscarriage?

Open relationship?

Open relationship? No. This is the contract of *EDIT* possessiveness and jealousy.

I like how big elephant is all - "Hey creeper! Stop filming the elephant babies at the elephant playground! Hey creepy creeper! Get outta here!"

Since I was a kid I wondered what it would look like if the cameras covering that part of the rocket kept rolling and now I know. Thanks Gizmodo!

::chews ice aggressively::

Also this:

I just feel like this whole country is trolling me now. Unarmed black men beaten and killed in the streets and hundreds of racists donate money to the white cop perpetrator while also posting insanely racist messages, meanwhile white folks carry around assault rifles while they're shopping at WalMart completely

No kidding. Every time I walk into Lane Bryant, I'm aghast at the prints and embellishment. It's not that I don't want to draw attention to myself—I just want to get attention because I look good, not because someone's glued rhinestones to everything I'm wearing.

Oh, Eva!

Racism is a huge issue in the South. Also in the North, the East, and the West.

"So we figured, hey, let's draw attention to racial inequalities in America by walking hand-in-hand out from this inflatable thing with a purple injun on it."

The tear gas element of the tribute, however, seems a bit too on-the-nose for me.


Please provide your statistics. I pulled the FBI crime statistics from 2011 that show that whites are charged for 69.2% of crimes whereas African-Americans are charged with 28.4%.

There is an amazing trippy Japanese horror movie from the 1970s called House. It's colorful and scary and ridiculous and often inexplicable.

The Blu-Ray has a making-of featurette, in which the director confesses he basically scripted the movie with his then pre-teen daughter, by asking "what do you think is scary?"