
Bryan Fuller and Tom Waits, with the disclaimer that I've only seen a few random scenes from Hannibal

because Del Toro is an awesome director, and Perlman is a perfect casting choice

Fuck this, they're gonna turn 2 movies full of soulful outsider romance into standard superhero movies. It ain't Hellboy without Del Toro & Ron Perlman

He'll cover the Shane Black Iron Man

In Australia we have a multicultural station that shows tons of Shaw Brothers & modern wuxia, it's great

My theatre applauded at the end of Fury Road…turned out somebody who worked on it was in the audience, but we didn't know that.

They're kung-fu masters, that's why they can fly. It makes perfect sense

Seconded, Ong-Bak is brilliant

Can we just have a montage & then skip ahead to Dredd, The Raid, and Fury Road?
When did Oldboy come out?

This is a column for an American audience, where superheros are the norm and wuxia is the exception. If it was written for a Chinese audience, he'd probably skip over the endless forgetable wuxia movies that never make it stateside & talk about cool superheroes.

Your first sentence is Donnie Yen's Space Zatoichi in Rogue One

I saw it on a bootleg VHS in college, it was great

Which is a shame, since Kung Fu Hustle is amazing. It's a better superhero movie than anything Hollywood does, it's pure fun

I want them to film the sequel script Nick Cave wrote. It's basically God of War

Yeah I love it

It's a wuxia film, that's what they do. Fuck 'logic' in filmmaking, it's beautiful

I saw this in theatres as a kid and I reviewed it for my school paper like I was gonna be a movie critic….I loved it so much
Now I've seen more Shaw Brothers wuxia films, I still dig it

Brotherhood of the Wolf inspired Bloodborne

I've said a lot of bad things about Australia over the years, but it's healthcare system is world-class and it's one of the best things about the country. Everyone is covered, no questions asked.

listen to the We Hate Movies episode on it (i haven't seen it)… they keep trying to talk about how creepy and rapey it is but get distracted by fantasizing about being romanced by Kurt Russell