
Shawshank Prison is part of Stephen King's universe-Derry, Castle Rock, and a little town called Salem's Lot….

Fuck Ryan Reynolds in that movie

Wings of Desire is one of my favorite movies, no way I'm seeing that

I had to unfollow him on Facebook because of his rants

Wait they remade a movie that ended with a Bad Seeds concert & Columbo and ended it with Meg Ryan on a bike? WHY?

Dark City is awesome, Alex Proyas is a local, I met the person who did miniatures for it at a charity shop

I hate it so much that I almost didn't see Deadpool because Ryan Reynolds was so annoying as…Deadpool, basically, in it

I'll put Blade behind Logan and X2, but Blade 2 above them

Sydney's holding another Blood Rave/Blade Rave this weekend…it's still a thing

"It's been a long time since the Statue of Liberty, Chuck". That line in Logan made me feel so, so, old.

But Rian Johnson writes the best screenplays. Why wouldn't you want the guy who wrote Brick writing your movie?

Yeah same but 25% of my day is listening to wistful indie pop

A better Metric? You mean Clash At Demonhead from Scott Pilgrim?

There are Pulp songs that I consider 'too dancey'

Not me! If it doesn't sound like The Ramones, Springsteen, Nuggets, or Belle & Sebastian than I'm not interested

You gotta do one of these on The Wonder Boys. I bought it as a kid 'cause it had a new Dylan song on it.
And that John Wesley Harding song is great

Once it was on tv the same time Castle was on another channel. You flipped fast enough, you got a Firefly reunion

Huh had the exact same thought

I love VU, I love this album, but Car Seat Headrest are awesome too. Not as good as VU but listen to their new album…
And they're another band that wouldn't exist without the Velvets

Why doesn't anyone talk about how Ex Machina is Bluebeard?