
Playboy had awesome articles… Maxim
not so much

Mr and Mrs Smith has a beautiful scene of a shopping mall getting destroyed. It's like an art film

Robert Yang's Dress with your Dad simulators

In the original he's super sleazy. Look up Charles Watsrstreet

Rake is a remake of a beloved Australian antihero lawyer show based on a real Australian lawyer and newspaper columnist. It's huge in Australia

I watched this show when it aired when I was a kid and I had a bump on my head and lost my memory for a bit and could only remember Action

I mean this is already a super-white list

Bloodborne's Insight is the most Lovecraftian mechanic. Eldritch is a neat little Lovecraftian roguelike with a Minecraft aesthetic

Bloodborne's Insight stat is this as a game mechanic….

I listen to Tonight Is What It Means To Be Young at least once a week. Streets of Fire is amazing… it inspired games like Final Fight since it was so popular in Japan

It's cool now

What do you do? You chill out, trip out, take screenshots for r/nomanshigh…. It's such a fun game

I do data entry and I love tripping out to NMS

Holy shit how did I forget that. It's so Adult Swim

It's a horror movie

Never got the Ned Kelly adulation. He's a cop killer and steampunk iron man villiain

Too vulgar for me, much like Australia

Shaun Micaleff, The Strange Calls (now on Netflix!), Utopia (the government sitcom, not the superior British thriller), Review, Gruen Transfer, some web stuff… Australian humor tends to either be broad vulgarity and variety shows that would have aired 60 years ago in America (complete with blackface) or satire so

I hope I run into Hugo Weaving. I've met Coma the Doof Warrior, saw him do Hedwig & the Angry Inch in a tiny venue. Brought me to tears

I saw this and I loved it, which is odd given how I usually feel about Australian culture. It helps that Hugo Weaving plays Agent Smith - his character is the same!