
There was a room like that in Sydney, Phuklub. It was amazing. Naked performance art, bad Louis CK wannabes…

Except Chappie, which you somehow thought was a bad movie. It did seem like you were using it for cheap jokes

Strokes, White Stripes, Vines, Hives…all great. Then that 'Rap Against Rockism' article came out and Pitchfork started taking pop music seriously and America discovered dance music and rock and roll died (for the millionth time)… Even I accepted electronic music's existence after the Drive soundtrack

Hives are so much fun and amazing live. Best stage banter

Nah just kidding I'm no longer the guy who writes to Bob Lefsetz when he insults them. Now I just drop podcasts that diss them

As a fat guy who throws slime at people on stage, I approve of this

Ghost Buster is amazing

That whole movie was fascist propaganda.

Australian variety shows have blackface and outdated gender stereotypes, since we're 50 years behind America, as that Vanity Fair writer accurately observed

Sitting down while gaming? What kind of jock does that? I game while lying down in bed, like Gaben intended

Yeah that stood out too

Dawes are great and get tons of respect from Uncut and the Wilco fan crowd

Yeah, Australia is just that primitive outside of major cities. Still is

Eh that happened in Australia during the Cronulla Riots

Best books ever

And a zillion games like Fatal Fury and Final Fight based on it and Streets of Fire

Batman & Robin looked like it had The Warriors gangs in it and everybody hated it

Plus you could play the whole game as them once you beat it as the Warriors.

I was OBSESSED with Spider-Man: Rock Reflections of a Superhero as a kid

Nah, the comic took a potshot at Neil Gaiman, so it ain't big on The Corinthian