
She might as well have been a Delta Nu.

Coates' character is in a weird position where the writers could either have doubled down on his villainy, which could become gratuitous and hard to watch (like, look at Humps last season) or softened him up and made him into a joke, which they did and which risks portraying him as someone the audience should be fond

That's been Daya since season one.

I was comparing them to successful internet personalities in general more than I was comparing them to podcasters in general! You're totally right that podcasting is a pretty chill medium. (And Missed in History is awesome!) I got introduced to these guys through Griffin and Justin's Polygon videos, so I guess the

Travis is contractually obligated to get his tits out once an episode.

It's silly, good-natured comedy that totally avoids mean-spiritedness at every turn? I listen to a couple of these guys' podcasts and watch Griffin's videos with Polygon, and a lot of the appeal is that the McElroys are just genuine very nice, thoughtful dudes who don't make jokes at anyone's expense but their own.

I was a huge snob about CRJ when "Call Me Maybe" first got popular, but over time it's become very clear she's the fun, happy pop star we collectively need but don't deserve.

Yeah, I was thinking that Econowives' families would be the natural future source of Handmaids and Marthas in the universe given to us by the book, even though Aunt Lydia claims that the goal of Gileadean society is to create a world where Econowives won't have to exist anymore. It's weird for the show to omit them

The fact that June doesn't think of it as rape doesn't mean it isn't. If your boss gives you the choice of sleeping with them or being fired and you sleep with them, you're still a victim of assault. And June's facing a lot worse than firing if she refuses.

What I'm curious about, too, is where Handmaids are supposed to come from once this first generation all become too old to have children. The Handmaids we know are all women Gilead considered immoral, whether it was because they were openly gay like Moira and Emily, single mothers like Janine or adulterers like June.

I saw the headline and was terrified the article was going to be about David Cage's latest trashterpiece.

Serena Joy is probably more invested than most in this weird vocabulary, considering she and her husband helped coin some of it, so it makes sense to me that people in her household would also be expected to use it.

Because he's not a commander. He's an advertising exec enjoying his new suit and the new societal order that flatters this vanity.

I started crying at "Who would want to dance with me?" and didn't stop for the rest of the episode. Jesus Christ.

This is a late comment, but in response to your last point: It's definitely a dumb-as-hell move, which is probably why women at Jezebel's seem to have a built-in expiration date. Moira mentions that you have a good few years "until your pussy wears out," but that's not a part of your body that does "wear out." The

Watch John Oliver cut off the top of Trump's head and force-feed him his own brain while Julianne Moore watches over Paris Agreement.

What a dumb, self-aggrandizing dipshit.

Just to back up what genus:[unknown] said above, if you are interested in a horror movie set in Iran, you could do worse than Under the Shadow. It's on Netflix, too!

Ohio local news, baby! Ahahaha— [laughter disintegrates into sobbing]

Putin has got to be the worst possible source for reliable information about Putin, right? Like, what's the projected accomplishment or news value here outside of ratings?