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The OA is one of those things that I recognize isn't objectively good, but it's weird enough that genuinely moving, memorable and creative stuff gets washed ashore at least once an episode. I've watched a lot of much better TV that hasn't stuck with me nearly as long.

I don't know if I want The OA to be canceled or run for a million very stupid seasons.

She's such a helper!

My thought was that Serena Joy might have bullied the previous Offred to death to punish Waterford for cheating. (Inasmuch as you can call it cheating when there's only one willing participant.) At the end of the book, when the van arrives for June, Serena Joy is surprised to see it. June speculates that she had a

What kind of wrath is this guy even capable of summoning outside Magic: The Gathering?

Oh, sorry! High-status soldiers in Gilead are called Angels. They're a rank above Guardians, who're the ordinary soldiers/military police/male household aides we see around Gilead. Nick's public rank is Guardian iirc.

Nick's recruitment from the unemployment line and into what would become the founders of Gilead is interesting to me because it parallels the way a lot of modern men (and women, too) end up being suckered into hateful political movements. When you feel hopeless, insignificant and wronged by the world, it's easy to

My theory is that his least-loved child, Tiffany, shot him several times with a crossbow while he was tweeting on the toilet.


Journalism is a demanding career where you work long hours and learn a lot of terrible things about the world, but at least it's balanced out by the knowledge that huge swathes of the population hate you for no reason.

So is Kathy Griffin just the older Lena Dunham? The person you want to stop agreeing with your politics because they make everyone on your side look like a dumb asshole?

I live in Ohio. Probably the most representative thing Kasich has done in recent memory is veto a six-week abortion ban and sign a 20-week ban in the same day. Because he always chooses the less extreme of whatever two evils his party is pushing, he's able to sell himself as responsible, moderate and trustworthy.

Oh, I love that! I'd only ever thought of it as an intimidation tactic.

If you were really on Tumblr you'd know that Finn/Poe and Hux/Kylo are the ships of choice.

Yeah. TFA and Rogue One both did a good job, I think, of showing that some of the cruelest and most dangerous people in the world are little men who don't want to feel little.

Star Wars is never going to be horror-movie scary, but the bit of Kylo Ren's battle with Rey at the end of TFA where he's beating his fist against his own blaster wound was legitimately very unnerving. His movie-long rage issues and his behavior during that duel give you the sense that this guy is so angry, so

Her dad, who Wikipedia tells me has the hilariously snobby name Robert England Grant Jr., used to work for a huge advertising agency and later got even richer with some kind of web domain business. His dad was a big VC, so she definitely grew up comfortable. It was a big talking point for people who hated her when