
I'd imagine it's easy to prop your phone up on the dash or stick it in a windshield-mounted GPS holder for a steady image.

Is online dating worth a go? Like, really? I've done both Tinder and OK Cupid before, and they both just made me feel bad and uncomfortable, but I was using them in a college town where the meat-market mentality is obviously a bit stronger than it would be in another situation. It might be different here in grown-up

The pilot feels it should have led to a completely different show.

Peaky blinder?

Digital style!

They're also weird, bullshit categories in general, and especially if you're making them a significant part of your identity. (Being sapiosexual or demi-anything, not being trans.)

EDIT: I'm very sleepy and might just be embarrassing myself, but I hope at least some of what I'm saying makes sense.

That's so great! I don't have advice or anything, but reading this post made me smile. I'm glad things are going so well for you!

It sounds groovy! If you're looking for a place to start, "Electric Lady," "Many Moons," "Q.U.E.E.N." and "Yoga" are all great tracks.

Brave was so weird. There was plenty to like about it, but the stuff with Merida's mom turning into a bear was so rote — it's like they were counting on no-one having seen any of Disney's other 'person turns into an animal and learns/teaches an important lesson' movies, of which I can name at least three off the top

I did local news in KC from January to June this year, and the Royals were basically the only thing my station covered that wasn't guaranteed to result in some kind of rude viewer feedback. People hate Brownback (understandably), hate Sly James, hate the streetcar, hate it when we interrupt Jeopardy for tornado

Yeah. The Hannibal press stills tended to be brighter and more colorful than the final product (because there are black holes brighter and more colorful than that show) so I'm hoping that's the case here, too. Even toning down the saturation a little might make it look less like a Spy Kids set.


I really liked the book, but it definitely works much better when it's a series of snapshots than when it's trying to tell an overall story.

The set design for Jack's Crocodile Bar is really, really weird to me. The image I got from the book was that it was a typical dingy dive bar with a handful of crocodile-themed decorations, not decked out from tail to tip like it is in the stills we've seen. Kind of makes me anxious about the tone the adaptation will

Jesus. ShindoL makes fucked-up shit, but that paycheck is impressive.

I followed E.K. Weaver on Livejournal back when TJ and Amal were a couple of characters who kept popping up in her sketchdumps. It's super exciting to see her getting so much attention and praise now — we were never friends or anything, but I still get a "Hey, I know her!" feeling when she pops up in comic news.

Lyin' Ted Cruz and Little Marco couldn't even make one good Trump joke. Sad!

Oh, Mr. Handsome, you are bad!

I re-watched Escape from New York and The Warriors this week, and this actually sounds like a perfect cherry on top. Huh. I never thought I'd be interested in seeing a Purge movie.