
Gentle Herpes is fucking idiot, and he has been for a long time. It's genuinely not worth talking to him.

Edgar Allen Hoe gives great advice, but I thought it's also worth mentioning that you can reach the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 if calling a hotline isn't your speed. I hate making phone calls 100% of the time, and I especially hate it when I'm under pressure to articulate something important, so being able to text

Congrats! Glad the sitcom laugh track didn't ruin the sex.

A phrase like "a dear young friend" really only belongs in the mouth of a 19th-century barrister.

It would be really interesting if it incorporated some elements of the book that the original movie never touches on, like the Mercerist faith and the android/replicants' relationship with it.

There's a joke in one of the earlier episodes that implies she might be bulimic, which is a form of self-harm. Eating disorders and BPD also have a high (25%+, depending on the eating disorder) rate of comorbidity.

Yeah. When she and Sos were talking about their future together, I knew something horrible was about to happen, but I thought it would be a break-up or one of them getting more time. I was totally shocked that one of them died.

It would be good to see Poussey's father somehow connecting with Sophia's wife — maybe through Danny? Presumably he has the clout to cause a real problem for MCC, whereas Crystal doesn't on her own.

They've been one of those people in every single review for this season.

The guy seems seriously psychologically unhealthy in general — not just in a famous person way, but in a 'you have visible manic symptoms and should genuinely receive some medical help' kind of way — but he's probably never going to get any better because people dismiss his worst excesses as either him just naturally

This seems like the kind of thing that gets retweeted by women who wear Lilly Pulitzer.

D'Fwink responsibly.

Oh, yeah, for sure. I was using him as an example of people hopelessly lost up their own asses.

In Walden, Henry David Thoreau objected to both post offices and newspapers for shortening people's attention spans and making them too preoccupied with trivial things — "to a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea."

The trailers focus a lot on Piper because she's the audience's viewpoint character in the first season, but the show moves away from considering her the 'main' character pretty quickly. There are large groups of black and latina inmates who receive sympathetic, personal characterization and get their own storylines.

I was surprised Miles didn't mention that Uzo Aduba played Glinda on NBC's live production of The Wiz last December, so her joke about white Glinda coming down in a bubble kind of works on two levels. The bits in previous seasons where Suzanne gets stage fright about singing in public (in the Christmas pageant in

Her name is McCullough.

That's definitely not what Rihanna's breasts look like.

hey princeofbrains, can we go thrift shopping?

And a Wilson sister!