
Their interactions are kind of samey, but Samira Wiley and Kimiko Glenn both have such beautiful smiles that I don't even care.

Whoever chooses the credits music for this season is doing a great job. I was cackling alone in my apartment when the Community Carers meeting immediately cut to "Tomorrow Belongs to Me," the Nazi anthem from Cabaret.


Not even The Counselor?

The SHU is part of the max facility, right?

Yes! YouTube was my only way to watch Mock the Week as a teenager, since I shared a computer with my family and didn't want to pirate anything. Same with Japanese horror movies — they'd get put on YT in chunks, and because the site wasn't as strict about license laws back then, you could have yourself a little

On one hand, I think there's less original fiction like this, but on the other, I discovered last week that there's a huge community of YouTube opera fans who upload their favorite shows with English subtitles. So now I'm like, 40% more cultured than I was last Tuesday.

Thank you!

Zach and Thomas both come from improv backgrounds instead of standup like TJ and Kumail, so neither of them has as accessible a catalogue of work. That's probably at least some of it. Plus, TJ's been working regularly in Hollywood for like ten years.

I think my favorite character right now is the tall, clean-shaven angel — I don't know if he's Fiore or DeBlanc, but he's such a charmingly simple character. The bit with him trying to order a Big Mac from the hotel receptionist cracked me up.

My money's on him embracing some kind of Cormac McCarthyesque "War is God" philosophy that makes him even worse. We've seen how he uses his own power, and there's no way he'd believe in any higher being that's not just as much of a cruel, crude bully as he is.

Eh, it's not as though people haven't known what Cosby did for a long time. 30 Rock made a joke about it way back in 2009. It'd take some lurking in weird corners of the internet to find the allegations pre-2015, but Lori seems like that would be in her wheelhouse.

I would be interested to see some more exploration of Morello's mental health, since things like the Christopher incident are most common among people with manic conditions or cluster B personality disorders. She's clearly ill, which probably contributes to her hyperfocus on her marriage and her borderline-inability

I think my vision flashed red for a second when the actress who plays Polly showed up on Master of None. She was playing practically the same character, too: annoying friend with annoying kid.

I liked that even the only character she interacts with this season couldn't fucking stand her.

Apparently Claflin's character goes through with the assisted suicide at the end of the film, leaving Clarke's character with a huge inheritance to pursue her dreams. Which is really, really awful — this disabled character exists long enough to brighten up her life but conveniently bows out long before being in a

As is "black person dies first." (Because for that to be true, black people would actually have to be cast in horror movies, and they usually aren't.)

it's okay to make a white person the most important character in a japanese setting as long as you surround them with japanese people as set dressing.

It's okay, you can swear here!

That makes sense, then. It's super shitty of Pizzolato to have cribbed so much and not acknowledged it until other people pressed him on it.