
Oh, snap. I didn't know that. That's pretty embarrassing.

Where do the plagiarism accusations come from? I know Cohle's philosophy is drinking pretty deeply from the well of Thomas Ligotti, but I hadn't heard much other than that.

I was so happy to see her in it. She's been one of my favorites for a couple of years, and I'm glad more people got to hear her music through the show.

Hi, everybody! I hope you all are having a great week so far! I don't have any updates on my physical therapy or other health stuff, but I am moving to my new city in a little less than two weeks, and I would really appreciate any advice you guys have on getting out to meet people in a new place. I'm afraid that if I

I hope you feel better soon! Be sure to take good care of yourself!

Have fun getting out there again! Glad you got to enjoy her cuteness while it lasted.

though occasionally it's the subject of a picaresque


Jeez, you just don't like anyone, do you?

A lot of what I know about philosophy, world mythology and ancient literature can in some way be traced back to all the years I spent watching terrible, terrible anime and playing JRPGs. I read The Epic of Gilgamesh, took a bunch of ancient civ classes in school and eventually got teary when I saw pieces of the Ishtar

Thank you so much for the recommendation! I'll definitely check out that book next time I get paid.

I'm trying to take the advice of other commenters here, put sex out of my mind for now and focus on my heart instead of the things further down. Tonight I'm working on putting some care packages together for my friends (I made some special cross stitch projects for them) and watching The Office because I always find

art, especially visual art, is something that takes a very small amount of effort to consume, so people assume it must also take a similarly small amount of effort to make and therefore not be worth actual dollars and cents.

I'm so sad to hear this. I haven't been participating here very long, but she was one of the people who gave the frankest, wittiest and most encouraging advice when it came to my various sob stories.

From an ethical standpoint it's probably not a great thing to continue creating animals like the bulldog (both English and French), but the ones that already exist deserve lots of love and care. The one on the show had such a happy face!

I'm so jealous. I love the look of menswear on a woman, but I can never find any that doesn't hang off me like a tent.

Yep. Moves like this and transgender bathroom legislation are about attempting to bully non-normative identities out of existence — or at the very least out of sight. Nothing else.

Ideally! But I'd take a job dethawing the waste pipes if that's what it took to get me out there.

I'm so sorry you're going through that. It sucks, straight-up, and I can't say anything to make it less sucky, but I can say that I truly hope things improve for you.

Yeah, she reads as someone who needs care that she's not getting. But even if she's not dealing with mental illness and is in fact just an asshole, I still hope she is able, at some point, to become a better-adjusted human. I can't imagine how awful it must feel to be a person who's that spiteful and defensive all the