
As long as the appointment goes better than that scene from Teeth, I'll be pleased.

I'm legitimately a little angry I didn't know how amazing they were until this week. So much wasted time!

I'm so sorry that's all happening at once for you. I hope your cat is well soon and you can get some therapeutic kitty snuggles. (That always helps me deal with things, at least.)

Vagina-blinded just conjures images of an otherworldly light shining out of someone's pussy like the Ark of the Covenant. If you look directly at the ancient glory of the labia minora, it'll melt the flesh off your bones.

Well, that first letter gave me intense secondhand anxiety! Cool!

Rick Wayne and Pumpkin.

More like Debra Schwinger.

What, like you wouldn't marry Stanley Tucci?

From the other interviews I've seen, it seems like he's just really laid-back. For how beautifully dressed he was on Hannibal, 99% of the pictures I've seen of him in real life are of him in sweatpants.

Blade. He's definitely going to be playing Blade.

I hate the lemonade business, I hate the grind. You have to grind so many fucking lemons.

I like watching people play games if it's a game I can't play myself (due to it being on vintage hardware or whatever) and/or if they have interesting things to say about it. I've learned a lot about design and games development from various LPers.

This is all good advice! I deleted him from Facebook after I graduated because he kept showing up as a mutual or a "so-and-so is also going to this event" and it bummed me out, but I kept him in my phone as Fuckboy Slim in case I ever needed to get in touch with him again.

I sure hope so! I know that I haven't really lived long enough to even whine about things like "I'll never find anyone else!" but it does leave an impression when your first time on the road ends in the emotional equivalent of a ten-car pile-up. (Which, again, definitely not an experience unique to me.) But I do have

I don't ever really experience a prolonged sense of fitting anywhere, but I do get these precious snatches of it and I figure that's probably as much as most people truly get. My happiest moments are never big ones. They're always little ones like my three-person 21st birthday or the time I got Thai food in Belgium

Charles Manson got married twice in the '50s and engaged again in 2014. Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian have each been married three times. Sean Penn managed to get into long-term relationships with both Madonna and Charlize Theron. Even if you were the shittiest person in the world, which you are not, that would not

Congratulations on making out! I hope that you guys talk about what's going on and both end up on the same page, because being in that weird guessing-game zone is seriously the worst.

That smug, chubby white man who hosts a nighttime talk show. You know the one.

Yeah, I did, because I'd run out and didn't anticipate how difficult it would be to find a doctor in Kansas City. (It's probably not actually that hard, but I've never had to seek out a doctor on my own before and all the trustworthy recommendations I got from friends and family couldn't take a new patient until,

Cincinnati! Moving to Ohio's not the most glamorous step, but it's a good job with good pay and insurance (especially for a recent grad), and it'll be nice to get out of the Kansas-Missouri-Nebraska triangle in which I've spent my whole life. I'm pretty excited!