
Good news: I’ve gotten a promotion that will take me to a new city, I spent a pretty nice weekend visiting my college friends and I finally managed to see a doctor who re-prescribed my antidepressants. I’ve been off Lexapro for nearly two months, and I know it’s had an impact on all kinds of areas of my life. Not

Anyone who has ever claimed they "ironically" jacked off to something is kidding themselves. Genitals really do not have a sense of the tongue-in-cheek.

Patton Oswalt was the comedian who got me interested in standup comedy, and his work has been such a source of happiness and inspiration to me over the last eight years as I've struggled with depression myself. And it's made me really happy to see that Michelle and their daughter, who both seem to be delightful

Fan theories about how some benign character quirk is really a manifestation of some deep-seated psychosexual trauma that the theorizer then goes on to explain in way too much detail. (Sally is always over at Jane's house because she doesn't want to go home to her abusive father!) Especially in children's

God, I hope so.

I hate this recent trend of fairytale action movies with my entire black heart.

What can I say? I just love a man who's drowning in boat debt!

As hard as I ragequit Game of Thrones, I'm super happy I watched it because it introduced me to Veep and Silicon Valley, which are both actual quality television.

Ras Trent?!

Jesus, Josh and Greg are just the most intense fuckboys, aren't they? Just in these past two episodes, this show has done a great (excruciating) job of capturing the weird, uncomfortable DMZ that is the casual relationship.

I don't know what made a bigger splash at my middle school, this or Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged.

This just confirms my long-held knowledge that people who work in marketing are the some of worst people in the world.

This is such a kind comment, but it made me laugh a little because I don't feel as though I'm a sex-positive person at all. I have so much fear and anxiety and disgust tied up in all of this business on top of my unrelated mental health issues. (Maybe too much information, but I've struggled with self-harm since high

Adult Swim made middle school Cosette fall in love with anime, so Adult Swim can go right to Hell.

I can't believe I'm crying over Martin Starr.

He's a nice person and we have a lot of common interests, but there's just nothing there for me as far as romantic or sexual attraction. I feel a little bad because what if I'm being too narrow-minded or my standards are too high? But also just…no.

I'm sober and this comment made me extremely uncomfortable! Yuck!

I keep having these fits of existential anxiety that come down to 'this is the youngest and hottest I will ever be and I'm rotting on the vine because I'm afraid of sex.' The solution is obviously to become less afraid of sex because it's a very irrational fear, but I don't know how as it all seems painful and

Vagina therapy is frustrating as hell. Before Christmas, I could fit a dilator about the size of an actual (smallish) penis inside; now, I'm struggling to use the smallest one without pain. I'm losing so much time to this — before you can slide stuff in there, you have to masturbate enough that you're wet, it's a

Nah, that's not weird. I think we hate Shane more because we know the people he's hurting with his actions, whereas nothing in Daredevil (except maybe one scene?) really conditions us to feel anything for the Punisher's victims. If we got an inside look at the inner life of Johnny Thug, convicted felon trying and