
I'm ashamed of how much more positively I feel about Jon Bernthal on this show than I did about Jon Bernthal on The Walking Dead despite the fact that both characters are probably equally horrible people.

Between Darryl here and Boyle on Brooklyn 99, it seems like making weird, overly-earnest characters foodies is kind of a thing. Is it just so we can wring maximum cringe from the awful phrase that is mouthfeel?

It's great workout music. So much energy, so little meaning.

I'm sure Michael Madsen's just thrilled people remember him.

No, this is all great and super helpful! The Hinterlands aren't really a challenging area, it's just that there's so much to do (and so much you're forced to do before you can progress the story) that it becomes really tedious and hard to convince yourself to keep going. They've always been my big stumbling block

Have you seen Absentia? I don't know if it's still on Netflix, but it's another of Mike Flanagan's horror films and I loved it. It's about a woman whose husband disappears for seven years and then, once she's finally moved on with her life, become pregnant by another man and filed the paperwork to have him declared

The costuming in Cinderella is to die for.

Playing Dark Souls inspired me to watch the new Berserk films, and watching the new Berserk films inspired me to get upset about anime swordfights! I had forgotten how genuinely awful the Eclipse sequence is, and the new movies take advantage of the 3D/2D blend (which looks weird and awful and like a Fire Emblem

Honestly, I'm just pleasantly dazzled by the novelty of a television couple in which the man is younger than the woman.

If Googling someone and watching their movies and showing up at their house and begging them to personally tattoo their name on your forehead is wrong, I don't want to be right.

I mistook him for both James Marsden and Jason Marsden while trying to figure out how I knew his name.

You know what they say. If you can't take the heat, get off of Mickey Rourke's sex grill!

Fuck that. Nebraska's—

Oh, my sweet summer child.

Much more profitable to film us farting on cakes.

That's especially weird to me because, like…people at high schools know each other. A cisgender boy who identifies and presents as a boy in all other aspects of his life is not going to successfully infiltrate the ladies' room without anyone the wiser, he's going to get told to fuck off back to algebra, Hunter.

That's kind of a tentpole of the argument for this stupid legislation. To stop one group of people from committing crimes you imagine they might commit, you have to pass legislation that targets and endangers a completely different group of people.

Are NPC summons in the vanilla game or were they added in a patch? I don't have access to PSN because of ethernet fuckery in my ancient house, and I haven't seen any.

And there's an even crazier German-language vampire musical based on the movie! The vampires sing 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' and it's (I think) the most successful musical of all time in Germany and Austria.

I'm a little bit anxious that this is going to end with Alfred becoming a Vileblood (or having been one all along) since he seems pretty obviously based on Alfred from The Fearless Vampire Killers/Tanz der Vampire. Good to know that there's an option to continue his little story, though!