
I'm bouncing off of the Shadow of Yharnam and Martyr Logarius fights in Bloodborne, but I'm still having a great time just playing it. It's such a fun game with so much lore that's right up my alley. Hoping that defeating Logarius gives me some kind of option to tell Alfred about it, since he's the only true bro I

It's almost as though the Galactic Empire is based on real-life imperialist powers that were fueled by the supremacist ideology of white men!

Hey, man! If you count Padme's handmaidens, Mon Mothma and the Twi'lek dancer who gets fed to the rancor, there are at least five!

I'm so glad Disney is doubling down on the female leads in their Star Wars movies. Partly for the little Star Wars-loving girl I once was, partly for the spiteful Star Wars-loving feminist I've become.

Patrick Bateman, is that you?

Ah, that's understandable. I think the best way to interact with anime is to grow out of it, but still cherish the series that were important to you when you did love it. I can't watch new series because I just don't care (Attack on Titan was what made me realize anime was no longer For Me) but I still love

Really? Death Note was a fantasy comic aimed at 13-to-18-year-old boys. That's like deciding American storytelling has nothing to offer because you didn't like Supernatural.

Really hope they cast someone good to play the potato chips.

Inasmuch as that's something that's possible to measure, yes. She scored 1500 on the SAT and her IQ is somewhere around 140.

Regardless of what Eddie said, Sarah had essentially already decided that he slept with Miranda Frank. Telling her anything else would just convince her he was lying. (Which, like, he is. But you know.)

Kesha's a really intelligent person, actually.

I always read Aaron Paul very young because Jesse Pinkman was, what, early 20s? But he and Michelle Monagan only have a four-year age difference between them (he's 36, she's 40), so he's easily old enough to have a teenage son.

If I remember correctly, Kesha's complaints against Dr. Luke also include a fair amount of financial exploitation. She originally became famous after providing the hook on Flo Rida's "Right Round," for which she received no money at all despite it sitting at the top of the charts for six weeks in the summer of 2009.

I tried to come up with a joke based on one of his movies but all I can think to say is that I want to kiss him a lot.

~reporter moment~: At a large enough news publication like Politico, NYT, Slate, WaPo, whatever, there are editorial assistants who do research and background interviews to help the staffers who actually write articles and speak with more important people. However, those positions are pretty rare in the world of

I don't know anything about Daredevil beyond this show, but Elektra might be my least favorite character in any show I've watched this year. Wow.

It would probably kill Marvel/Disney, yes. Daredevil and Jessica Jones are more grown-up than the mainstream MCU, but breasts on full display are still about as off-brand as it gets.

I've just finished watching Brooklyn because of this comment! And yes, I definitely know which choice I would have made.

Same. Can't believe I have it this bad for a Space Nazi Weasley.

"most simplest"