
The intention is apparent, but ultimately I don't think it feels well-considered or authentic.

I've read a couple articles about what Zack Snyder was trying to do with Sucker Punch, which is draw the audience in with sex and spectacle and then force them to recognize their complicity in that demeaning treatment of the female cast, but it still doesn't work for me. Part of that's because his other work and

Read it! All of Flynn's books are very quick reads, and I think SO is the shortest of the three. I knocked it out in a couple of afternoons.

SO is definitely the one where everybody turns out to be a huge dick, whereas in her others there's at least one good, sane person somewhere in the main character's orbit. And yeah, if her parent-child relationships are an issue, the main character's mom is the most cartoonish evil queen analogue since Disney's Snow

It is. Mostly because you've got Kansas porn (and misery) leaking over the border.

L O L, right above my comment! I'm definitely willing to concede that it's not as strong as Gone Girl, but I have a weakness for the sort of rotten Southern dynasty we get in the main character's family. And, as someone who was depressed and in Missouri when I read it, the sad Missouri porn was actually kind of

Gillian Flynn is one of my favorite modern writers, even if she's kind of a grown-up V.C. Andrews, and Sharp Objects is my favorite of her books. I'm super excited for the HBO series.

There's a bit where she and Watson meet up when he discovers she's faked her death, she teases him about his relationship with Holmes, and Watson says, "I'm not gay."

Separating art from the artist is kind of a weird proposition for an artist whose job as a standup largely consists of talking about his life.

I'm so out of touch with the genre…

I can see this guy raking in buckets of cash as Mean Middle School Principal and/or Sinister Dog Kidnapper in Nickelodeon original movies. Shame he gave up.

Thank you for this post! It's been a long time since I've read the original story, so I was fuzzy on the details of her actual case. It is definitely frustrating that 21st century interpretations of this character seem to judge her more harshly than something written in 1891.

I've seen people complain about a couple of things? She's a dominatrix and most of her dialogue/general existence is about sex — which could be a fair transposition of the character, since "adventuress," one of the terms originally used for her, was highly euphemistic in Doyle's time.

I'm the one with the weak digestive system. It's me. I ate Chipotle all throughout college because it was right across the street from the journalism school, but I ate there last month and ended up having to go to the hospital because I was so dehydrated from being sick.

i'm not just but morality is boring theft

I see where you're coming from, but Storm and Rogue are women. Who wants to see a movie about a well-loved woman superhero when they could see one about another vaguely picaresque man with a comparatively small fan following and less important role in the comics universe?

I'm also that person who will invite someone else to a movie and then stress about whether or not they're enjoying it, which is not a good time. Going by myself means no anxiety! No listening to them eat popcorn! I'm free!

That millennial comment made me so mad I just choked while snapchatting my kale.

i already said congrats, bro!

congrats on your huge dick, dude!