
I didn't even know we were calling him Old Bear!

Like Audrey II, I've tried to incorporate Rick Moranis into my salacious nighttime activities with mixed results.

I agree solely based on the existence of alpha/beta/omega fanfiction, which is probably one of the worst types of fanfiction.

Masturbate a lot is advice that should be given more often.

Thank you for your advice! I guess my main fear is that I have little enough experience with any of it — hands, mouth, ass, ears, nose — that you could round it down to zero, and I'm afraid that the all-you-can-handle blowjob buffet would be a pretty terrible offer coming from someone like me. There's going to be a

Two weeks ago I got mid-level buzzed at a nice restaurant and went to 10 Cloverfield Lane by myself. Easily one of the best moviegoing experiences I've ever had.

Going to the movies alone is a pretty nice experience. So is rediscovering reading for pleasure after four years of reading for class deadlines.

He was a fucking coward, honestly. I thought he was my boyfriend and he thought I was someone he could fuck to feel like more of a man, and he knew we were on different wavelengths but never said anything because he's afraid of confrontation!

Haha, I actually did have had a friend-turned-kissing-partner find out and say "Oh, fuck that, I'm bouncing!" Not right away. He was okay with it initially, but when he realized I wasn't lying about how much it hurt or how long it would take to deal with, he pretty much ghosted me. Which was extra terrible because we

Thank you very much for responding; it feels selfish to be glad that other people deal with this, because it's terrible, but it is good to know I'm not alone. I hope that your job search and your therapy both go well!

Yeah, Paula's the worst.

EDIT: Okay, I'm literally sitting here crying because you all are so kind. It's a big relief just to be heard and taken seriously with a problem like this. Thank you all.

Holy cow. I've heard Sbarge's voice in tons of stuff, but I don't think I'd ever seen his face before.

Has anyone ever told the guy on the right that he looks like a llama?

Fun Home is one of my favorite musicals of recent years; I really hope you enjoy it! It's much more of a traditional musical than Hamilton, but Judy Kuhn and Michael Ceveris especially give great performances. (And if you need songs to start with, "Maps" and "Ring of Keys" are my favorites.)

If I'm remembering right, Snyder is a pretty huge Ayn Rand fan and wants to make a Fountainhead movie. So…yeah.

I haven't played Korsakovia because I'm a Mac user, but I've watched a bunch of Let's Plays and read the script a few times. It scratches a really weird Sarah Kane itch in my soul.

I think the problem is that the Chinese Room wanted us to empathize with Mandus, or at least be interested in him. Their writing is kind of their whole thing.

A Machine for Pigs was one of my most-anticipated releases that year, but it really hit a sour spot for me. Dear Esther is one of my all-time favorites, so I have a high tolerance for florid, overwritten prose, and I loved the actual horror aspects of it. It's just that Mandus' personal story was so boring (boo-hoo,