
Too true.

I'm not saying anyone not from Africa does a good job depicting African countries in media, but Japan often does a worse job than most.

Gotta disagree here — the floppy Leo haircut is part of what struck 13-year-old Xel'lotath straight through the heart. It's super important. A terrible fashion and practical choice for someone who presumably needs his hair out of his face for zombie-shooting? Absolutely. But still important.

The social drama is really muddled because it's a bunch of Japanese developers trying to make a comment on relationships between Africa and the West, but I think the basic thrust of it is that the people in Sheva's country were being exploited and experimented on by Umbrella/TriGen/whatever because it's a poor nation

Resident Evil 4 is probably the only game in the series that's genuinely good, but I have such a special place in my heart for all the others — especially the big, stupid mess that is Code: Veronica. Between Alfred Ashford's laugh and Steve's, well, existence, it's hard to pick the best-worst bit of it.

I feel bad for how much I dislike the actress who plays Erin, Jimmy's handler at Davis & Main. She was on Veep, too, as the expendabelle who gets fired over the data breach, and something about the way she talks is just viscerally unpleasant to me.

Homeofthe Whopperman?

I just bought two dresses in NY&Co's doorbuster sale, but now I might have to buy some more. Dammit.

I read a really interesting article a few years ago about how family pressures can often lead sober alcoholics and other addicts to relapse — not always for obvious reasons like a shitty family situation, but because the people around them only know how to relate to them as "Jenny, my sister who is an alcoholic" and

Superjail! is the worst show I've ever been obsessed with, but I hope that, now that I've binge-watched every single episode, I can finally exorcise it from my life.

To be fair, I am also miffed every time I learn that Rick Grimes is still alive.

Joss Whedon has a pretty shallow, incredibly '90s concept of feminism that means his female characters get abused and fridged and used as passive plot devices, but they do karate and make witty remarks, so it's Girl Power. Dude does have issues with women, and it's frustrating he gets congratulated so much for being

In a Ryan Murphy show, it's always to shock the audience. I'm not sure he and his team know how to do much else.

I've loved him in other stuff. But yeah, AHS has not treated him kindly.

Sometimes I walk by Hot Topic and see something that looks cute in the window. (They've had some sweet dresses recently.) Fortunately, my hyper-developed sense of shame prevents me from setting foot inside and making the huge mistake of being a 22-year-old giving money to Hot Topic.

Come on, dude. Nobody's saying that, but the stories we frequently see in movies and television /are/ shaped by their creators' distance from the average person, and their attempts to portray their problems and crises can suffer as a result. It's not a game of who has it worse, it's that some creators enjoy such a

David really deserved a better movie to be in. As is, though, he almost saves Prometheus by allowing you to view it as two hours of (hilarious) proof that humans are terrible and he should inherit the Earth.

On one hand, it's sad to watch NBC try to recapture the magic of peak Office. On the other, Ben Feldman is really beautiful, so I'd be cool with this show running for a long time.

I mean…Loveable Scoundrel [SCOTT LANG/PETER QUILL] grows into his heroism as he tries to recover a special, powerful MacGuffin [PYM PARTICLE/INFINITY STONE] and wins the heart of Humorless Hypercompetent Woman [HOPE VAN DYNE/GAMORA].

Marvel's been remaking the exact same movie with a different bland white man in the lead role for…Jesus, seven years now. I don't know how people still manage to care.