
I loved the movie overall, but cracked up every time one of those transitions happened. It's interesting to know that they're a common silent film thing, though — I just thought someone in the editing room must have discovered a new enthusiasm for Windows Movie Maker. (The star transition was my favorite, personally,

My boyfriend and I saw Crimson Peak, which I loved even though I can understand the complaints about it — it's long, the emotional beats usually don't quite land and I can see how the gothic melodrama might not be appealing to a lot of people. But I love the overstylized fairytale feeling of it, the set design, the

Direct quotes? Do you expect her to be running around her entire life with her iPhone set to record every conversation she has or what?

But when you speak as though men are biologically conditioned to feel terrified of women becoming firefighters or whatever, you're indulging in the same reductive sexual stereotyping you claim to decry.

The mother was raped by Rubberman/Tate in season one, Lana Winters was raped by Bloody Face in season two (and maybe Chloe Sevigny's character by the doctor, and the monsignor by the possessed nun?), Emma Roberts was gang-raped by frat boys in the premiere of Coven, and?? I think Elsa was raped by the guys who made

Wait, really? Where else have you seen it done?

I'm not going to lie: watching him stroll out of that tunnel and beat a dude to death in Inglourious Basterds kind of stirred something in me. (yes i know that scene is partially about violence in cinema and how even 'war heroes' are brutal and unglamorous murderers and you're not supposed to be taken in by it shut

Eh, I didn't squanch this episode as much as I wanted to. I think I side with Jerry in that I'm mostly just tired of Rick, and him turning himself in didn't especially affect me because my thought process was sort of just 'Oh, okay. Get gone, then.' I think other commenters are right in saying this show has really

That kind of twist [SPOILER] where the protagonist has done or witnessed some horrible thing and then forgotten about it [/SPOILER] is so common in horror, and I hate it about 95% of the time because I feel like it undermines the existing narrative that's been built up until that point. I think the only times I've

I love horror all year round, but October is a great excuse to double down on it! I've read two horror novels by Adam Nevill — The House of Small Shadows and The Ritual — and really liked them. His command of language is pretty much just functional, and I can't remember being impressed by the words themselves more

And there I was, thinking the AV Club might be a site where I could read the comments on a gender-related article and not see a steaming pile of horrible misogynistic bullshit.

I haven't seen any of his non-horror movies, so I can't speak to those. I guess I'm just annoyed by this idea that his work represents a horror revival when it's all so safe and even sentimental at heart.

I really kind of hate Wan's movies. He's good at pacing and technical work, but his films have a really weird strain of social conservatism that literally demonizes anyone 'other.' It's like he didn't think he could make a film that throws back to filming styles and genres that were popular in the late 1900s without

Eugh, is that where I've been going wrong? I've tried to read his books several times and just been horribly disappointed. What's a good short story collection for me to try?

It would have been a much better movie if Joaquin and Phil Hoffman had just fucked.

Shake it off, man.

Oh, Jesus God. Finally someone else who can't stand Paul Thomas Anderson. There Will Be Blood is a fine movie, but I haven't enjoyed anything else of his that I've watched. Sitting through a late-night showing of Inherent Vice earlier this year felt like being trapped in incoherent hippie purgatory for about six hours.

We can't stop. Time is a flat circle.

Thanks, Dr. Lecter!

Whatever crazy bullshit happens this season, it'll be worth it for the way everyone in my apartment started screeching when Viola and Famke kissed. ICONIC.