Hey martiniguy, I’m genuinely interested in how you are doing. Please look me up on Facebook (same name) or instagram @joyflgrrl
Hey martiniguy, I’m genuinely interested in how you are doing. Please look me up on Facebook (same name) or instagram @joyflgrrl
Echoing Angela Helm & Trust. Stay...your life is precious.
Yeah, humans are shitty. I know how you feel and it sucks. But you know what? I also know that there are still a couple of songs that still make you smile, and a few live performances you’d like to see. There’s a dessert or a fried yummy thing that you just CAN’T STOP EATING. There’s at least one person that you know…
Dear MartiniGuy, I’ve been there. I’m not going to tell you that everything will be okay, because I don’t know that it will be anytime soon. What I do know for a fact that there is at least one person out there, more likely several, who love you dearly: if only in the future. If you give Life a chance, you will meet…
Heroic. Love. Compassion. You are amazing souls Jenny Brown, Trust and Angela Helm! Thank you!!
And if you get to your wits end ... call 1-800-273-8255. Your life is precious.
Uh... you ok? Need to talk?
Looks like there is still good in this going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket-early world we now find ourselves in.