

Summary this individual goes on tinder not to get dates but to lead men on to believe it’s interested in them, gets them to buy a game, fails to be honest about its game only interest then ghosts them after they spend money and time on the game... but it’s A OK! It’s an uterus having individual and one with a rough

This is what happens when women complain about being sexualized while continuing to model sexy clothes.... Hypocrites. Pretty soon we wont need you at all. 

Because m isn’t a syllable. The word only has two syllables. Dear goodness, don’t you have the internet to fix your stupid?

I’d love to see a world in which progressives get *anything* they want. I don’t know if you keep up on current events much, especially say Supreme Court decisions and recent presidents, but we are sure as shit not living in world where progressives are running the show.

George Michael warned us.

Because it was the worst kind of cameo…one that’s so obvious and incongruous that it utterly pulls you away from the show itself.

*Musical notes* Beauty and the Beast... *Musical notes*
Jokes aside, if he is as big a Sh!tbag as FKA twigs alleged, it really is no wonder to why she would be pissed off from the lack of actual support. Instead only getting a public equivalent of “Thoughts and Prayers”.

Yeah I was kind of with you until you brought the kid (let alone the slapping). Yes I know she’s 21 but I’m not trying to infantilize her, I’m saying she was born and raised into this, she didn’t choose it.

Belittling someone for seeking therapy to process their own experiences is...something. Pete has been open about the fact that he has borderline personality disorder, a serious mental health condition with a high rate of suicide and other bad outcomes if not treated by a therapist.

Well what do you expect?! This country has a noticeable dearth of established monarchy and nobility & of course human nature abhors a vacuum so being “rich & famous” is the American equivalent of "nobility or royalty" with all the snobbish & elitism accompanying such.

Yeap, Karma is a bitch. I wish no ill on anyone. But the dirt she comitted to decent people to get to the level of the eilte, I can only say what my mother and grandmother would say. “God don’t like ugly”!

LOL, think everyone that read this headline thought the same thing. At least I did. 

Stand strong carpet munchers, your man bashing propaganda site is in full swing here. Don’t need to be a woman hater to see a clear, obvious manipulating, narcissist gold digger. It is funny to read you try to put out all the stuff from this doc dump that you think hurts JD but none of the plenty of info that

Hilarious. Jezebel still going on about Depp. let it go guys. She’s a whack job, she lied. End of story-why keep beating a dead horse? Jesus.

Still more gameplay and dev work shown than Abandoned

lol, yeah I mean I don’t really care either way, but they obviously did mean to mislead people, that was the whole point. 

And not even just stealing songs; she’s stolen wholeass choreography without attributing it but these folks will never stop excusing the bullisht.

Quoting bell hooks and Cornell West on this one...