Dilly dally, shilly shally!!
Dilly dally, shilly shally!!
This is not what they meant about delving the bowels of the dungeon.
“My friends and I were just talking about this game! It’s coming out soon! Why aren’t we more hyped about this?!?”
In order to maximize their magical powers, spell casters need to wear skimpy clothing so that they... uh... can increase their exposure to aetherial light! Yeah, that's it!
Virtual hugs all around. 🤗
Take my NFTs!!
This quality reply is what I came for
“I put on my wizard hat and robe.”
Cat with Hats? Definitely meant for Steam.
The 80s turned out the way it did because of the insanity that was Xanadu.
Does anyone else hear Camel by Camel while reading this thread?
Work on the story quests, so that you move around. Accept quests with a Plus symbol because it usually unlocks something (dungeons, a class/job, mini games, etc), and find a free company (guild) to help when you need something. In time you’ll find some activity you enjoy (Mahjong , Triple Triad, and new classes for…
Trying to find just what you want to say and how to go about it is always the toughest. My kids like Calvin and Hobbes, but trying to make sure I use the right words so they’ll understand the humor behind the joke (and in Japanese) is quite the challenge.
“It's a portable PC! ...but don't you dare treat it like one. The P stands for pipebomb."
The mask for Miss Minutes was especially spot on.
My Kinja... It's full of stars!
I agree that the dice weren't terrible, but certain decks can go south very quickly if the numbers don't work out.