
Actually technically the vp gets not one single vote. The candidate for president PICKS the vp. Then if the candidate is lucky enough to be elected, the vp goes along for the ride. As far as courts determining who becomes president. Start reading the news. The November presidential election is now in several courts.

It is an outright lie that the Trump administration is even thinking about capital punishment let alone different ways of carrying it out. Check your sources. ProPublica is about as truthful as CNN, and I think the world knows CNN is all false news. Their ratings are in the single digits, because no one believes them.

You probably mean shoot but just can’t spell. You do know it’s silly to talk about a firing squad. Barry Sotero would not execute Brandon Bernard so certainly President Trump, who doesn’t believe in capital punishment unless for some kind of grotesque crime would not have anyone executed. Right now everyone you would

Brandon Bernard was not pardoned by Barry Sotero so I think he should be executed for the gang killing. There’s no question about the election being a complete fraud. There were more ballots than voters. The count of votes ended with a fraction. Of course you will not understand that so I’ll explain, the number of

It definitely would be funny, but also sad. It’s sad that you are all so stupid that you still believe the crap Barry shovels to your ears. He hates you and you don’t even know it by now. Easily he is the worst president this country has ever had.  Go to school for a minute, maybe you could learn to read and do enough

Staged!? That’s not fair. The dodo never stages anything. I’ve enjoyed The dodo for years and have an account with them. They get stories from all around the world, most are funny or cute, some are a bit melancholy. Go to their site, you will definitely enjoy it.

The BMW is gorgeous and remarkably well made. Some day when you infantile critics grow up and can afford one you’ll be telling all your friends they should drive one. You see a mature auto driver doesn’t  pay a lot of attention to appearance. The owner will be inside the auto enjoying the comfort, the comforts, the

Staged!? Some people are just jerks. I love the dodo, I have an account with the dodo, it’s so much fun. Everyone should go to their site, you won’t believe the funny and sometimes sad or melancholy stories there are. There is absolutely nothing staged ever. Things are sent to the dodo from all over the world.

Myself, I think Harry Styles looks so good in a dress, he should think about full time modeling. Think seriously about it Harry, because you suck at music in any form of it there is!

I’m going now and watch The Foreigner. It’s loading, oops it’s playing right now. See ‘ya..........

Kamala Harris didn’t break any record for anything. Only the President is elected, and congresspeople, and senators. The VP is PICKED by the Presidential candidate as a running mate. Then the Presidential candidate is or is not elected President of The United States. No votes at all are cast for the vp. Also, nobody

How about everybody grows up and lets Brad Pitt have a life. Leave the guy alone for chrissakes. You seem to take for granted that he has short term flings, so go on with your lives knowing that about his. I can’t believe you’re all so infantile that you are ga-ga about a grown man who could not care less about any of

I should have added some thoughts I forgot to write in my message above. Dr. Phil was mostly correct in what he said but it was just common sense we all should know. He really is a bag of shit💩 and puss and useless for anything now and for chrissakes probably never was. I’d also like to say ☠ Happy Halloween👻👽👁

I think that Dr. Phil was absolutely correct about people who make others wait. It really is a case of them having no respect for the other persons time. The most valuable item any human has is their time. When you are born you begin to die. There’s no way to know how much you have, but you should spend it wisely. You

inYou bigoted, racist moron. YOU are the most bigoted racist person around. All Lives Matter is actually about EVERY living human’s life. BLM, you idiot, is 100% political. BLM is founded by marxists and means to promote marxism. They have done nothing to help a single black life. You know that too, which is what

I’m sorry, but it’s 8:28am EDT Sat. Sept. 19, 2020 and Justice Ginsberg has passed. Whatever reason you had for continually calling for intervention from God to keep her with us, it didn’t matter, as God obviously had a plan to relieve her from physical pain and bring her home. God Bless Ruth Bader Ginsberg with a

Does anyone think he cares a whit?

Your hatred is so childish it can’t hide your making yourself believe that Melania, Donald J. and for that matter the entire family of Trumps have the capability of being liars like you leftists and the rest of the leftist demorats truly are. You all laugh about your imaginations thinking of things like “respective

Senator Paul was threatened by people with not an honest bone in their body. As a matter of fact they are so brave they like to run up and kick people in the head from behind, rendering them unconscious. They’re also known to murder people in cold blood. Real class and courage these cowardly punks have.

OOOOOO Such tough talk!