
Fandom always tries to install malware on my phone.  I never go to Wikia anymore.

It is especially stupid to donate to the link in this article. Here is a map of the last Grassley election:

A restraining order isn't going to do anything against a moderately powerful witch.  Unless it is written in frogs blood, then it will stop most witches.

Or make sure the proposal is at most a week out, instead of making it part of a lengthy game development process.

The Chicken Selects were really good but sadly have been discontinued.

Except it's more of an aggro card than sludge Belcher ever was.  Token druid with double Savage roar runs giggling.  Quest rogue runs giggling.  Zoolock runs giggling.  Odd rogue runs giggling, etc.  It is a bad card and needs to be nerfed to either 6 Mana (like spreading plague was) or have it's battlecry only

Anyone willing to pay $4,500 for ONE bottle of whiskey deserves to be ripped off.

I used to live in Louisiana, and yes, people eat them. In fact, as an invasive species, you are actively encouraged by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to kill and cook them.

This is exactly my position. I don’t want any change other than quarters. Pennies and nickels are near worthless, and dimes are too much of a choking hazard. Any non-quarters go in the leave-a-penny, donation, or tip jar, depending on what the business has.

Wait the Moonies are still around? Are we both talking about the cult?

Dont worry, I'm sure that these cosplayers are getting a chunk of the ad revenue Gizmodo is getting off their work.  Right?

Fandom/Wikia always tries to install malware on my devices. They are literally the worst, and I try to avoid them at all costs.

“Granted, there are other factors in play: the extra four dollars in that horrific tax bill that Paul Ryan was crowing about has yet to reach our paycheck... “

Also, they never showed it any pictures, so it’s like a blind robot who can only curse trying to take a test that relies on vision.

Some culpability should be put on his employer, who never should have hired someone who cannot legally drive in the state of New York. There are no non-citizen drivers licenses available in NY, unlike 12 states that do allow it. The pizza place, Nonna Delia’s, was setting him up for fines, arrest, or deportation every

Yeah if something gets comped I just add it to the tip. Like my family went to a Denny’s on a random weeknight and it ended up being kids eat for free night. The waitress got a sweet tip, probably 50% of what I was charged, yet I still ended up paying less overall than had it not been kids night.

Yet the IRS estimates 40% of tips go unreported. I guess a lot of serving staff don’t appreciate the IRS’s services...

I don’t know, maybe basic human intuition, developed over hundreds of thousands of years building societies and civilizations?

Yes, tipping is literally a foreign concept in a lot of the world.

Tipping is stupid for everyone. The US just needs to strike the rules that allow paying less than minimum wage and restaurants should pay everyone a base wage. Why should I tip the server but not the cook staff when 95% of the time it is the chef who is going to make or break my experience. Why is a waitress at a high