
This is the biggest non-story I’ve read on Kotaku. Had the guy provided his pay stubs, as clearly SUGGESTED, the beurocrat processing the application would have given it a pass. You think the person with 100 applications to go through before lunch knows Karam or his game? Or put in much thought in denying an

I’ve always played female characters in MMOs. The models/armor are generally cooler. In 15 years, I have never been harassed or been asked for nudes. If people are being nice to me, I thank them and return the favor by helping lower level players out in turn. A few anecdotes do not an epidemic make...

Have we reached peak hipster?

Have we reached peak hipster?

I can’t believe Undertaker wasn’t on the poll, but spiders were. The whole point of Undertaker Hunter was Undertaker R1, then Spiders R2 and snowball from there.

Al Tirion takes is a silence to make him not worth his cost. No one card could deal with Boom. You kill boom, you still have to deal with boom bots. You silence the board with priest, you still have bodies to deal with. You twisting nether, you take a lot of damage to the face. He was truly OP in his day.

The Necrodancer is really easy to beat if you have at least three bombs. You just bomb out the lute, then chase him around while completely ignoring your dad. Bellringer is much harder than Necrodancer unless you memorize his starting patterns. And Dragon Lute is super hard unless you memorize AND practice his

I am more impressed by the size of the corn dog than the tulip. I want one!

This is what I did for Far Cry 5 as well. I got all of the companions first, though. Then I beat Faith’s area and went back to Witcher 3. I will say I don’t think this approach is viable in Witcher 3, so I’m just doing main quests and side quests that sound fun.

They certainly could have started with a better title. Sounds like a Bible themed game. And Sting? I had to even look up when Sting was popular. Evidently it was the late 70s and early 80s. I’m sure that voice acting budget was money well spent for the target demographic...

No picture of Peaches? Or Cheeseburger? How speciest.

I usually enjoy stories like this, but I could not get past the 100 word opening sentence. It screams “I have a really interesting story to tell, but I am going to make it tedious as possible for the reader to get there.”

Jack in the box tacos are in a mysterious league of their own:

KFC has some good sauces, but they definitely don’t have the best Ranch sauce. Its just too thick.

Sheala? I thought it was Sile, or is that a different character?

Elizabeth Swaney is terrible, and she was in the last Olympics. Just because they are in the league does not mean they deserve to be there.

The guy could have done some basic research before his ‘experiment’. Check out this table:

The costumes in this (with the exception of the pickle necklace) are amazing.

Can we get a Lifehacker article on how to make an invisibility suit out of water bottles? That header image is blowing my mind.

Aren’t most PUA devotees just autistic guys who need a guide for human contact? That’s my impression from a quick look at Reddit. I googled the ex-girlfriend story from the first paragraph, and it was all about initiating conversation with girls and nothing about trying to sleep with them (though I’m sure that part

As is selling drugs to an undercover agent. So this guy who is a convicted drug dealer thinks he might be forced to sell drugs in Mexico? He was kicked out of the military for drugs, put in prison for selling drugs, and now he’s a good guy?