
It’s only a matter of time, but we’re not quite there yet. There isn’t enough situational awareness possible currently, and even operating in theater there’s a second or two of lag time.

Except ISIS, which has figured out how to rain pain from $300 Walmart drones. It is closer than we think, I can see platoon or even squad controlled drones providing very close air support in the very near future.

That’s basically what the Super Tucano is.

It is high time this gets serious consideration. There are very different requirements for counter insurgency and conventional air domination missions, and trying to do both with the same airframe will produce results where neither excels.

A completely reasonable position!

tRumps base doesn’t love Russia, they love him. The hate they have for HRC and Obama is unequaled. Like Dear Leader said he could shoot someone and nobody would care. 

The irony is that killing a US service member will destroy any positive feelings towards Putin from Trump’s base. They hated Hillary Clinton, but they hate people that kill US troops more than anything.

Unfortunately, Putin thinks anyone who doesn’t back Assad is a terrorist. These were SDF fighters, mostly Kurdish YPG. The Russians need to tread carefully though. There are US special forces embedded with many of these units. If a US service member dies from a Russian airstrike, it ain’t gonna be pretty.

I heard they’re actually Patriots fans, and that’s good enough for Trump to arm them.

Interesting. I had a friend just graduate from SQT and two TACP friends who just reupped. I bet you’re a POG.

And he’s still more respected by the military than the lawyer with no military experience he replaced.

Right, because veterans and widows have never ever been at a SOTU address before.

Nice to see you don’t let your own political views influence your writing.

They already do that

Haha I think I’d have tried to see it as least once. I know I’ve seen photos of sailors wearing Kevlar helmets over their flash gear that were in more exposed positions like on the bridge.

Hehehe...this is embarrassing to admit, I never once went on the flight deck. I know airdales wore craniums helmets, but I do not know what they are made of. I was nuke mechanic in bottom of the ship all the time.