
Fortunately the USA can still produce enough men with spines to man our armed services.

I hope he can find perspective that no matter how much it was “his job” to prevent this, it was so much more the hijackers’ job not to do what they did. The burden is theirs to bear, not his.

Actually I’m a combat veteran, and I’m kind of tired of hearing about fuel truck drivers with PTSD.

For three decades, it has been preoccupied with looking for guns and explosives rather than for dangerous people.

What did you think you were going to do in the Air Force?

What guilt? That's like saying the person who sold them the tickets should feel guilty, or the person who waved them through security that day. They had zero part in it.

I suspect it’s also Chinese infighting.

Complete and total bullshit.

B utts
E normous butts
N o for real big butts
G argantuan butts
H uge (butts)
A sses
Z zzz unless butts
I like big butts & cannot lie

That’s terrific chief, but no one gives a sh*t about you & your fellow citizens priapism for ‘golf-force-one’ in Beijing.

Just don’t see the world plot anti Obama connection. I’m pretty sure this is just China being Chinese dickheads.

America hasn’t acted like an entitled ass for a couple of centuries. What history book have you been reading? It really wasn’t until the Spanish-American War (and also the Industrial Revolution) did America even get it’s Big Boy Pants. And then it took the training wheels off for WWI, and lost it’s virginity during

I don’t take anything the Chinese do, diplomacy wise, seriously.

If it was an intentional snub, the only ones appreciating it was the Chinese. They have already made ass clowns out of themselves with the South China Sea debacle.

“No golden staircase? Turn the plane around; we’re going home.”

The Chinese can fuck right off with their bullshit. Having done business in China, it is one of my most despised countries. Because of the economic boom in the late 90s, which is now tapering off, the modesty and humility that were once common in the Chinese culture have all but disappeared. They have, unfortunately,

ChiComs being dicks as usual.

Typical ChiCom behavior. When will the Chinese people be free?

Sounds like the Chinese are a bit agitated because Obama won’t let them continue their little “territory expansion” project in the South China sea.