Marc Maron

I think that it's kinda intentional that Gus is an asshole. He's supposed to be a Nice Guy who's self-destructive and doesn't understand his own issues until they lead to his girlfriend leaving him. It's definitely reusing the some of the same Apatow tropes, but it's deconstructing them and humanizing them by giving…

You know that Paul Rust guy? I hear he likes chemicals so much you should call him Walter White!

Boomer was my cat that decided to go independent into the wild. I'm not really saying BOOMER LIVES! for any particular person other than myself. I'm reminding myself that Boomer is a strong, independent cat who is surviving and succeeding in the wild jungles of Los Angeles. Does that answer your fucking question?

Wait until you're 50 and starting to get into the blues. Then you'll understand.

The lead singer's got a fantastic voice, but the rest of the band's kinda bland. Don't tell the band that though; I'm still trying to get the lead singer on WTF so I can hit on her.

Judging by how the Grammys have shat on great artists in the past, Kendrick will only get album of the year once his career is revived 50 years from now with an Americana album.

I can see why it might be hard to connect to Courtney Barnett. If you put her on a pedestal she'll only disappoint you.

If you're not being gentrified out of somewhere, you're not living life to the fullest.

The use of the n-word at the end of the song is the ultimate irony at the end. It's really necessary for driving home the fact that the North kept African Americans down as much as the South.

I'm trying to wean myself off of it. I think it's dangerous. I think it's going to give me fucking diabetes. I need a different, healthier addiction besides coffee and roasting younger comedians.

You got nothing, but Jack Black got a new house with the royalties.

Christ, "Rednecks" is a fucking amazing song. I honestly can't think of any other song that indicts the North and South as equally harshly for systematic racism.

I love that without the original comment, it looks like the transcript to a Bob Newhart routine if Bob Newhart was a conspiracy nut.

All joking a salad…

Christ, you majored in music and have a job? How does that work?

Yeah, but it's BEEN A WHILE!

Since Trump's evil incarnate, he'd be a perfect fit for Andy Daly.

Well, Trump's already perfect for drunk history. He doesn't even need alcohol to sound inebriated!

Though if it were John Lennon, he would've also said "I'm not your lunch, bitch!" Lennon clearly won that phrase in the moonwalking contest.