Marc Maron

This really explains why Malkovich turned to puppetry. He really needed to get back to his roots.

Marc Maron's surprised about liking TJ Miller too, but you don't see him complain about it (except on Twitter, and in a couple podcasts)…

Welcome to the club. You have to die before anyone gives a shit about you around here.

That's definitely a point against him.

It's the part of the brain that only says to do bad things, like vote Republican or burn down abortion clinics and homeless shelters.

What Makes A Man Start Fires?

Yeah, the winning team would "enter" the video game and have lives and shit. What was the name of that?

Bamford is the best live comic. I saw her do a half hour after Eugene Mirman while touring Ask Me About My New God! and she has god-like stage presence. Best show ever.

It's awesome that Cronin's back with a new album, but it's a shame that just about all the major bands from that San Francisco scene left for LA. God damn gentrification.

Try Amoeba's in SF or Other Farts in NYC for the best undiscovered botique farts.

On the subject of Blur, are there any good albums for getting into Britpop as a whole? I want to understand and like it, but it just seems like rehashed guitar rock to a degree (yes, I know that's a huuuugggeee generalization).

El Chubacabro: The Movie

DDL doing a Sacha-Baron Cohen like mockumentary would be interesting, since he'd commit completely to any absurd character or premise. Yeezus knows what'd it take for him to break.

I understand that comedy is a craft, but it just seems (like you said) pompous. There's a point when comedians talking about comedy becomes self-indulgent.

Any movie that describes comedy as a "craft" makes me want to shoot myself, but the cast makes it seem worth watching.

Start your kid early on Wonder Showzen so they're ready for the harshness of reality before middle school.

Maybe I host a stand up show in the New York UCB. Maybe I'm Eugene Mirman's paid foot massager. Maybe I just follow him on Instragram.

yeah rap isnt evn musc anymore. it's just like rhythm and melodies and dumb shitt like that.

We like Chris Gethard, or at least making jokes about his name.