Marc Maron

They aren't from the UK, but it's worth still noting Suicide, who basically originated synth-pop before it had a name. On the less creepy tracks of the debut, you can really hear the shape of synthpop to come in Vega's voice.

*Cue trap remix of "Ashokan Farewell" featuring Lil Jon.

In an alternate universe where James Murphy invented dance-country…

Don't you remember the good ol' days back down in Georgia, when ma would make her raccoon pie that won 2nd at the state fair and pa would get out the old fashioned banjo sample pack and sequencer?

On the one hand, Kanye's an asshole. On the other hand, "Only One" is heartbreakingly beautiful and emotional.

For Rob Corddry, I'll have to give a Gold Star for Robot Boy.

Just about every UCB LA comedian is mourning on Twitter, but Scott Aukerman hasn't responded yet.

I only have one response to this horrific death:

This isn't exactly related, but there isn't any other place to post this.

This isn't quite relevant, but…

Be careful. We're all strict constructionists here.

Best Movie Thanking Affluent White People, since we need to show everyone how white people were responsible for everything.


After this, I really hope Kyle Kinane really writes on his tombstone:

I already nominate the ending of WSGLL for best podcast moment of the year. I know there's no award for that, but I DON'T CARE!

"It’s classic Bang! Bang!, which is becoming less and less of a thing I look forward to."

Even in middle school, I remember hating Grease since the only message was to conform or die alone. She's rebelling against mainstream culture to follow the standards of teenage culture. It's all just hypocrisy layered on hypocrisy.

"At least we still have Bill Maher!"

I'm sure this album's amazing, but I've been trying to decode and understand "Bored in the USA" since he released it. The Letterman performance just made the levels of irony and subtlety more complex and harder to fully comprehend.
