Marc Maron

I plan to start a podcast about the pain of the artist centered around interviews, but mostly focus on my own self-loathing and resentments. There is probably only one other podcast about that, so I'm sure that topic's still fresh.

THIS is why someone needs to make a "Reposted Jay Leno Joke" gimmick account.

It didn't make much sense originally for Thomas to be known as an interpreter of Chopin as a conductor, since Chopin didn't write much music for orchestra, though it kinda implies along with the piano scene that Thomas had a career as a concert pianist before he was a conductor. It makes sense, but it's odd that

All of England does too.

I finally got into LCD Soundsystem after years of trying to understand their appeal half-heartedly. Now it's incredibly clear how amazing "All My Friends" and just about all of Sound of Silver is.

This is why the show needs a musical consultant. If they're going to go out and do Mahler 8 whenever they want, why don't they do Beethoven 9 as a trio between the concertmaster, a solo tenor, and an oboe? It's not like it matters in this show.

It's just like any other genre: some is shit, some is nice. Unfortunately, for every great Thelonious Monk or Cannonball Adderley, there's some Kenny G who becomes the image of jazz to mainstream culture and ruins it through appropriation.

I've seen the whole thing, and the show really becomes a lot better as it goes along. They still keep all the sex and drugs shit, but they begin to make more sense in the context of the plot.

Bolero only really needs a conductor to set the initial tempo. I saw Boston Symphony do Bolero at Tanglewood, and the conductor was bored as shit the entire time. He barely moved his baton and basically sat at the podium.

I mean, he's been around for so long, you really could call him… Old Yeller.

Cameron Esposito, if you happen to ever go into the comments, I'm sorry on behalf of the commentariat for the shitty terrible rape commenter. It doesn't represent the majority of us.

I can't tell if rapecameronwhore's a horrible person doing a really fucked up parody of cookie monster or a horrible person with bad grammar.

Or the AV Club did a New Coke and ignored Andy Daly to convince him to do a second season of the Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project.

You're absolutely Reich about the title.

Watching God Help the Girl and Whiplash in a row is a great idea if you want to feel encouraged to start a band, but then be driven to insanity/greatness at conservatory.

This and his 9/11 company retweets make him America's hero. God Bless Mande, and God Bless America.

If he didn't it's not alright, not alright, not alright…

It's hard to disagree with Andrew WK on anything. He just seems like a fantastic person in his Village Voice column.

I'm so glad this show is finally coming out. The issues of orchestras in America are worth looking at and this show could really bring the issue into mainstream culture. Also, it'd be nice to see how this show makes classical music understandable to everyone.

I realize that my opinion would have no affect on the conviction of Adnan. In retrospect, I agree with you since Serial probably can't be used as evidence and least means could force a jury to be chosen that never listened to Serial.