Marc Maron

I was with my friends when we watched the 30 Rock episode where Jack decides to get rid of his cookie jars. For some reason, I started bawling when Kenneth talked about what cookie jars meant to him. All my middle school friends proceeded to stare at me for a minute before collectively realizing that this was the


To be fair, anyone who's a fan of Mulaney's stand up would probably want it to be successful. Both his albums were amazing.

I mean, there's an inherent nostalgia no matter how you interpret it. After all, our love for any of those artists is based on a personal connection to their greatest moments on some level.

I think that Jodie was the one with How to Win Friends. I remember her carrying it around at one point.

"Harmon is an executive producer on this movie, so presumably he had some say in its content."

Yeah! Screw modern music! Go nostalgia! Let's repeat the 80s over and over again!

He didn't really like me or David Bowie all that much, or any artist besides Wussy or Fountains of Wayne. Still, he'll be called the greatest American music critic when he dies from autoerotic asphyxiation in 10 years.

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Lou Reed and John Cale, since they could get the avant-garde elements and tell the story like they Andy Warhol's in Songs for Drella.

The A.V. Club: One of cinema's most unsettling nightmares.

Yeah! Fuck Apple and every company from the last 50 years who realized it was more profitable to make a product not last!

Jeff and Cyrus they were heading for learjets, and gigolos and fortune and balls…

The catastrophe was nice while it lasted. At least DeRogatis will keep calling Adams a second-rate Replacements.

So when should we plan for Ryan Adam's next angry voicemail to Jim DeRogatis? Is it going to be after DeRogatis trashes his album on Sound Opinions next week or when Adams plays a show in Chicago?

At least it inspired a great Reggie Watts cover.

Question about awake surgery: how do patients feel about being operated on while fully conscious?

Chilton was incredible at some covers. His acoustic cover album was really good even though he did every song off the top of his head.

Though the Box Tops don't really represent the full artistic capabilities of Chilton. He only was another pop singer when he recorded "the Letter." All the sadness/true beauty of Chilton's voice came out once he began writing.

"I feel like I'm dying. I'm never gonna live again."

I don't think that name's as bad as Five Finger Death Punch or Driftless Pony Club.