Marc Maron

Anyone remember that band named the Beatles? They dropped off the radar after that appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show.

It was at the Aging Headliner tour sponsored by the concept of Old Age.

"Maroon 5 has reinvented itself as the country’s most opportunistic band, spiritedly appropriating Top 40 trends with a cold, calculated precision usually reserved for political consultants and SEO analysts."

To be fair, the lyrics are about, "the perspective of a woman who’s been abused, and it’s just like, “Fuck you, you can’t do anything to me.” A song about abuse would make most people uncomfortable.

It also didn't help that without Say Anything, the remaining bands could have easily packed the room; the Front Bottoms could've filled it by themselves.

I saw this guy's band headline a bill after You Blew It!, the So So Glos, and the Front Bottoms. About half the audience left after the Front Bottoms played, and Say Anything were nowhere near as energetic as any of the previous bands.

Though do you really think that if you tell someone that everything they believe is wrong, they'll instantly accept what you told them? Also, tolerance for or even believing that anyone is smug really depends on how much you find someone funny.

Though atheists still might not be able to think for themselves. There are plenty of ideologue atheists who repeat phrases and quotes like a fundamentalist repeats bible passages.

While I agree with them to a degree, I still think that they assume they're more dangerous than they actually are. While it would have been actually revolutionary when Bill Hicks or George Carlin talked about it, by the time Bill Maher got around to it, it was well-worn ground. Also, they can be incredibly didactic

Arrogant may not be the right word. I'd say "smug" or "self-satisfied" might be a better word choice. They push their ideology down people's throats like fundamentalists.

It's controversial in the same way that Ricky Gervais and David Cross think they're being controversial by being arrogant atheists in their stand up acts.

The Front Bottoms lyrics almost entirely walk the line between melancholy and clumsy.

To be fair, the fake British accents cover up the lyrics well.

Then again, if Sophia Coppola did direct it, wouldn't it be worth it for a Bill Murray cameo or one My Bloody Valentine song during some final battle?

I'm sure they met at All Tomorrow's Parties one year. Both go to music festivals pretty frequently.

Wait until the apocalypse, and then yell it at a kissing couple before all of you fall into the center of the earth with the Kraken and John Cale.

John Teti's reviews have been fantastic for Nathan for You. Teti, the guitar and heroin of Lou Reed commands you to keep reviewing and analyzing this show next season.

Or…we drop them into a volcano with Kundera and have them talk about the inevitable lightness of being.

The mask seem like a better made version of the masks the Arcade Fire guy sometimes wears in concert.

Yeah it's him and George Lucas for celebrity meeting stories.