Marc Maron

That's the way we all feel about people who are cultural heroes. We just assume their immortal until they suddenly die and realize how short life is. Fuck.

I used to live in Marin County, and my friends have various anecdotes of running into him randomly. One friend's kid bumped into him in a diner and dumped soup all over him. Another met Williams when she was hiking down a mountain. RIP.

I guess I'll be SITTING IN THE WAITING ROOM for it to come out. It seems like a Blueprint for better things that would come.

Oh, the A/F has returned. What was the last time someone used that one, since the last one I can remember was in American Horror Story?


Boys and Girls in America: It'd open with "Stuck Between Stations," but it'd end with "Arms and Hearts" from the extended edition.

Throw in "Celebrated Summer," and I'll get you in touch with the guy who did the Ted Leo and the Pharmacists Musical.

My Bloody Valentine: The Musical. The lyrics would be incomprehensible and everyone would stand in the same place the entire time. It'd be like Waiting for Gudot, except less would happen.

Putting two of the best new comedies against each other like gladiators? 1 Star.

Even if this or the CC pilot didn't pan out, at least Gethard now has footage of Hannibal Buress helping with phone sex on TCGS. He lost well, indeed.

Now that we have all this CC stuff for the fall, is the AV Club going to do weekly reviews of Nathan for You in the summer? He is one of the best business people/geniuses/daredevils on television.

Coming this Fall to Comedy Central: Review with Don Dimello.

"Jack White harnesses the power of Jack White."

I love how your band only made Double Nickels a double album after Husker Du made their's a double album.


Ziggy Stardust, since the themes of desperation are still relevant and also since WE'VE GOT FIVE YEEEAAARS…

TSK TSK (to you and the Choctaw).

It's too bad he has the ego to convince himself that he does.

The A.V. Club: Standing fully erect.

Honestly, I am sorry for the troll fighting. It was ill-informed and generally dumb all around. I was in a shitty mood and took it out anonymously through the internet.