Marc Maron

"It’s the 2014 equivalent of hiring a rapper to contribute a verse to your alt-rock song; it might seem like a wise idea, but it ultimately cheapens the whole endeavor."

The film basically Disneyfied mental issues and the '60s/'70s in general. After all, the Vietnam War really does boils down to a captain with his legs blown off and a dead solider with a lisp who loves shrimp.

Christ this had a good first season. I can't wait to see Richard take control of Pied Piper next season and fight Erlich over power. Will Richard become the total asshole that Erlich said the company needs to survive next season?

Can someone summarize of the what the deleted guy was saying, since this reads like a dirty Bob Newhart routine.


It could be worse. Rolling Stone fired Jim Derogatis for panning Hootie and the Blowfish in the 90s.


The only option now is to burn his account in the Dawes River. Someone get Cookie Monster or Adam Sandler to say a prayer.

Well, I am certainly sorry for offending you and decal for offending your tastes by comparing one band to another. It's been lovely chatting with you. I'm sorry I took this as far as I did.

More importantly, isn't it interesting how you're the only person who felt the need to call this "troll bait" and say nothing relevant about Radiohead?

If it were supposed to be troll bait I would've said "OMG RADIOHEAD ARE SUPR GAY THNKS OBAMA STALIN CARE."

It's really helpful to start with his early works beforeUlysses by Joyce just to get used to the style of writing.

It's easier to get into if a person is likes story songs. Also, it helps to get into Springsteen in high school, since most of the lyrics are about New Jersey teens trying to leave their small towns.

Limp Bizkit, but I only like them in the "don't want to look but can't look away" sort of way.

Pavement. It's a combination of so many bands that are amazing (Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth), but the songwriting never clicked for me. Also, it all seems kinda bland since the production doesn't give much dynamic range to the albums.

I can't get into Radiohead since they just seem like a bland amalgam of better, more unique bands like My Bloody Valentine.

It's only worth going to if Mac Demarco strips and plays an all Metallica/Limp Bizkit cover show. Only Mac could deliver on that.

I Know Why the Caged Bird is crying today.

I thought they were teaming up with Billy Corgan to do a 12-hour reading of the Ramayana set to an acoustic version of Metal Machine Music.

Hitler, you weren't the only animal in stitches that day!