Marc Maron

This article's good, but "I'm gonna go hump the fridge."

Finally, NBC has found its new Rockefeller Center Salute to Fireworks.

Watch Jake come back and find that Teddy took his former job.

Let me get the cancerAIDS out of the sandwich safe for you.

I guess that's The Impression that You Get.

And Cloud Nothings are releasing an album next week! Why are all the best bands releasing albums at the same time?

I remember that when I was younger and at a Ra Ra Riot show, I was reading their bio and was surprised that one of the heights of Ra Ra Riot's career was opening for the Tokyo Police Club. It didn't seem like a big deal to be playing for a foreign police organization.

He had the best facial hair in the group.

I was going to download this, but I got Stuck Between Stations at the Chillout Tent.

It'd be nice to get a live disc just to see how well the album translates to a concert setting.

Also, it'd be nice to get a vinyl reissue, since only the major label albums were re-released on vinyl.

Let it Be from the Replacements, since that album is probably one of the best rock albums of all time.

If SST reissues Zen Arcade, they should reissue Double Nickels on the Dime on the same day that both were released on. Also, they should bundle them together as "Something I learned today on a Chartered Trip is Our Band Could Be Your Life."

Review's next episode is bound to be their step into greatness: "Pancakes, Divorce, Pancakes."

It seems like the entire article could be boiled down to "MONSTER TRUCK DRIVING IS THE SHIT" and "I LOVE MY JOB."

I can't since I'm Stuck Between Stations. Stay Positive until I can send them.

It's too bad this album's not the best. Their demo EP was amazing, though it sounded like the vocals were recorded in a wind tunnel.

Their new "Coming of Age" single is actually kind of good. They sound a bit like St. Lucia or a less bland Coldplay.