Marc Maron

Lucille Bluth. She gets on the wagon briefly in (involuntary) rehab, but beats Kitty at a drinking contest moments after leaving. At least she always had her biting wit.

Do Aziz Ansari and Seal have cameos in this movie, since Aziz said that he they had a cameo in some Perry movie?

Deux Ex Machinas, except when found in boxes of Hamdingers on spaceships.

That's Lady Liberty. She has to strip to pay off her Chinese loans.

I'm going to talk about The State, but first I have to remind the commentors that it's illegal to say "I want to kill the presid—"

Someone needs to start a Glam-themed hospital. All the staff would have Ziggy Stardust lightning bolts across their faces and the doctors would be dressed androgynously.

The doctor in the back was ready to attack and his eyes were as red as the sun.

"Why is this your least favorite song of all time? And, by the way, I disagree with you."

The chorus is incredible, though the best line on the album is on Plough: "You picked a virgin over me."

"Sea of Love," covered by Cat Power.

Chip Gardner's in a show with Marisa Wompler.

#1 Record is the purer power-pop record.

#1 Record is the purer power-pop record.

I would include the Unlovables, who do pop like the Mr. T Experience, but with layered harmonies and a unique female singer/feminine POV.

"Many of Hahn’s songs served as character studies of people he encountered, from everyday interactions with friends to the junkies and criminals that haunted San Francisco’s Mission District."

If Wurster's on, can Old Skull make an appearance? I think JP would want to meet "Husker Dude."

It was all well and good until critics said it would be the next "Goodnight Moon."

It's too bad the writer died from alcoholism while trying to write the sequel. It's hard to live up to that standard.

Maybe one of the key reasons that American fiction is the same problem that Classical music has: the first who were considered great considered writing or composing a craft or job, while both have been elevated to being art. As a result, the standards have gradually raised and the artists in question are expected to

The problem is in the insecurity of the musician or author due to the pantheon of "great" works. It doesn't help the creative process when critics are constantly comparing an artist's works to a few works deemed "perfect" and unobtainable in the modern landscape.