Marc Maron

Oh, the 90s: Who knew we could have New Kids on the Block and the Rwandan Genocide at the same time?

Do the all-nude Newsradio that Hartman mentioned in the Space episode.

Create a second version of Community controlled by the season four staff and have it play right after Harmon's version, just so people can realize how shitty Community is without Harmon and for a possible crossover episode.

Watch the "Tiny Dancer" scene again. Then you'll know why you're wrong.

Television-Marquee Moon

Thank god Portlandia's back, since now it's gonna…

Will they do Dream of the 1790s, or Dream of the 2090s?

It's too bad Jeff Dunham set up a Snapchat for Ahmed the Dead Terrorist and ruined the selfie again.

Whenever I see Jack Klugman, I always think of the caller on The Chris Gethard Show who used to call in as Jack Klugman and not respond to anything Chris said: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Better idea: A 12 Years a Slave and Birth of a Nation double feature to make students aware of the horrors of slavery and then suddenly racist.

Crow T. Robot's favorite film was Roadhouse, but at least that's validated by "Patrick Swayze Christmas." Also, Joel Robinson's favorite film was 7 Faces of Dr. Lao.

Meanwhile in 2014, Vampire Weekend's debut is on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time and their third album has an A+ from Christgau…

I think K.D's and others' idea is that by singing "Hallelujah," they're sharing a personal introspective moment (ironically) with the crowd. The lyrical meaning or intent of the song isn't as important as its connotations. As a result, this song and others (Imagine, Let It Be) dip into the collective experience of the

I remember that Clontle gave this band a "Rule" in "Rock, Rot, and Rule," but I'm not sure how much I trust the judgement of a man who thought Massive was the first Ska band.

First Best Show, now moviefone. WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TOOOO???!!!!!

The time to ascend to the Franco dimension is soon. We MUST begin prepare the 12 Holy 40s of Franco.

Watch him be Cookie Monster. Keep making us proud, Chu.

"It's not dead, it's resting."

You shouldn't have said that. I hear the mob coming now…