Marc Maron

I always thought it was "broke d'broke" (the "d" might have just been the editing).

Question: Where's the best place to start on Best Show? Is it better to listen to full episodes or the Scharpling and Wurster albums? Also, where would I find the full episodes?

Paul Westerberg, but at least it will be comforting to know that he's on the "skyway," whether or not he's satisfied.

Related Topic: Best last words.

Though he did freak out when he went into kidney surgery. His last words will at least be funny.

"Can you hear me Major Tom?"

I've seen conductors in rehearsal call out the exact person playing flat. It's difficult, but it's possible. Also, as a classical musician, this seems like an amazing premise.

"Mr. Brightside" might not be in here, but it still fits in since the entire premise of the song is watching a guy screw an ex.

Also: Love is Dead by the Mr. T Experience came out that year. It's a great album by a bitter "dumb little band" whose friends became "punk rock billionaires."

Next: He'll do the claw of shame again…IN DUMB STARBUCKS!

I'm so glad NBC did this special better than their Tribute to Fireworks. Ever since that show, I've called the police on anyone holding fireworks.

On the subject of movies, my autobiographical romcom about how I fell in love with myself is coming out in the summer. It's called I'll Be Your Mirror.

He's actually Half Japanese. The one composition to his name is the collaboration he did with Daniel Johnston.

Did they put in the Lego "Trail of Tears" set too?

So if Nu-Disqus is Korn, does that make Nu^2 Disqus Limp Bizkit?

I'm not sure if I have space in my heart to accept all of them. They're like all my collaborators: I pick favorites and proceed to alienate everyone else.

I'm so glad that Adam Sandler didn't do an Undeclared and tank this episode completely.

I think I'd have to watch Hopscotch, since any film with Thomas Lennon, Gary Cole, and Elizabeth Banks in it would be funny as hell.

The AV Club will have reached its inevitable doom once it posts an article about "the 12 cutest bunnies ever."

Its' like the AV Club is Pawnee, and The Dissolve is Eagleton. Or, as the intellectual snobs at The Dissolve would put it, "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times."