
Not the treatable kind of mental illness. This isn’t something a depressed person or someone with schizophrenia would do. This is full on, non treatable narcissism type shit.

HEY THERE HOLD ON A DAMN SECOND. Peter Dinklage can have his. He has earned it. The rest of them go to Sam Bee. John Oliver can have one too because he and Sam Bee are the only two on television doing actual investigative journalism.

Jut drive up to her house in a truck and dump all the Emmy’s in her driveway. No one can have any others. Not even Peter Dinklage.

Samantha Bee has just been on fire and awesome.

AHHHH I can’t wait. Samantha Bee has become so damn vicious and I’m so here for it.

Trevor Noah didn’t tell her how to react. He was floored, and I was too, that she confronted him with all of his hateful tweets and let the whole thing go with an “did I do that? Oh, excuse me,” then moved on like it never happened.

Incidentally, “kid gloves”, also the name of the mittens from the children’s department that Donald Trump must buy to fit his tiny hands.

She just set herself up to get dragged to dust by Samantha Bee tho

Fuck this woman. As much as I’ve hated her, I cringed for her and supported her just as I would any woman being attacked by a Trump-type. No “you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas” finger-wagging either. And now she will paste on her fake smile and say whatever bullshit she needs to say in order to help this