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Ooooo I love this. And it gives me an opportunity to proselytize for one of my favorite “dark” Christmas movies, Rare Exports. It’s a Finnish movie, complete with scary Krampus-style santas accidentally unfrozen from a giant block of ice, wandering around naked trying to kidnap bad children (or really anyone who

Hahaha, thank you. That is really sweet. My boyfriend (who is British) said something similar, like, “Has she seen what the girls wear on a night out in February?” Unfortunately, I got rejected and returned to Amsterdam. It was just all so subjective and arbitrary, and there’s no real process for appeal because they’re

I think we read the same thing!

Ugh, I’m so sorry. As if what “happened to you” just happened. It’s like the abuser version of “I’m sorry you were offended.” “I’m sorry you had to experience that.” Ugh, it just makes me so angry.

Yeah, I think you’re onto something. I think almost everyone overestimates their ability to read people. I remember reading a study that said people—even highly-skilled interviewers like psychologists and law enforcement—were no better at spotting a lie than a coin toss. And then when they are forced into cognitive

Yeah, nine months is nothing. About how long Louis C.K. managed to keep out of public view. Trying to bounce right back is, in my view, a good sign that any remorse and promise to change is shallow and insincere. 

Yeah, what is up with his rush to give previously-powerful people (I’m thinking also of the former City Council member Sabra Pierce Scott who admitted to taking bribes while in office) second chances. Mason was one of 16 candidates for his position, maybe one of the others deserved a (first) chance?

That letter sickened me as well. Good men are not capable of this kind of “very bad mistake.” He punched her over 20 times! Slammed her head on the dashboard repeatedly! Then he shoved her out of the car and drove off, leaving his wife to beg a stranger to take her to the hospital! No, he is not a good man.

At seventeen, I probably had a few pairs of “sexy” underwear, too, but I would have been mortified if my mother found them in the laundry, let alone have it introduced as evidence in a courtroom. This is so, so sick.

A lot of commenters are focusing on the fact that underwear does not communicate consent (which should be obvious! But apparently isn’t) but the protesters were right to focus on the violation of the victim’s privacy. There is no reason her wardrobe, her sexual history, or anything else about her life up until the

It’s possible that your difficult childhood trained you to be sensitive to subtle changes in atmosphere and mood because there were dynamics in your family that you didn’t understand but needed to prepare yourself for. Gavin de Becker talks about intuition this way in “The Gift of Fear.” It’s a survival skill that

Absolutely. In my case, the man was being charged with assaulting his girlfriend (who was a policewoman), damaging his neighbor’s property, and resisting arrest (by a police officer who the defense said was having an affair with the girlfriend, possibly the reason they were arguing). The girlfriend claimed he was not

Having served on a jury (ONCE) I’ve realized how easy it is to not convict. I regret the decision I participated in, actually, but as a very disparate group, the easiest conclusion is not guilty. The members of our jury who were closest in socioeconomic demographic to the defendant were all voting for guilty. It’s the