
we French people (at least the one that deserve to be known) have a good sense of humor, so we welcome people than like to make fun of us, at least when it is to have fun all together :D

Mine was in 1984, and it was an Amstrad CPC 464 with monochrome green screen and tape reader. It was a xmas gift from my parents and that was just amazing. I will never forget that first contact and I still have my first computer in a closet :) I even keep the associated printer and external floppy disk drive, and a

You can see the island using google map and it is pretty interesting when looking on the details.

You can see the island using google map and it is pretty interesting when looking on the details.

I would have done the opposite... a worm that taste the sheep, no need to chop it just fry it and it is ready to eat :D

Looks like GitEmSteveDave.com own some shares in the pink goop meat industry lol

It is a pity to see that nothing can be debate without becoming a religious debate about the pro and cons and that is exactly the reason why nothing goes nowhere...

This is the preliminary step to exploration... first realize that there must be something there, then go to check for it... Now let's build the vessel that will bring human explorer to the next frontier and try to find out what's there.

We are all spied all the day we live in a society of control done by an evil entity.

It was going so fast that the damned thing created a worm hole in the upper atmosphere time space corpus and moved from our dimension to the next where magnetic poles are upside down and people walking head down so it crashed in the sky that was in fact the earth there...

Honestly I like the look'n feel of the new site but the content is a major concern for me.

You guys did not understand anything to the story... It was in fact a crash test for human body to check damage made to a car when a human crashing in...

I am sure that I can pee more far than you folks! Any opponent? :)

The mentioned problem of the aircraft are just marketing bullshit of American pride... the only reason why the project was a business failure was because US were not able to swallow to have been beaten technologically on civil aircraft. The aircraft was loud when taking off, right but honestly who care about the noise