
I might well be wrong, I just had the impression that it wasn’t conducive to couch-play with a friend.

Bloodborne Bloodborne Bloodborne. Still joyfully progressing through this game. Last night I got through the Upper Cathedral Ward and beat Ebrietas after about an hour and a half of dying constantly. She’s the cheapest of the bosses I’ve encountered so far. I beat her, but it was purely because the RNG of her attacks

The PC is built. Finally. It is finished. Everything has been resolved, but it wouldn’t be a PBnJustice PC update without one exception. My wireless mouse is out of batteries and there is not a single AAA in the house. On the bright side, I can now navigate with a keyboard like a boss. I plan on taking full

When a Minecraft streamer I watched on an occasional basis announced that he was starting a second server that subscribers could apply to play on, that motivated me to speak up and buy in. I’ve been part of that community for a month now, and it’s been great, except for a bit of culture shock I had to acclimatize to.

Picked up X Com 2 while it’s still one of the PSPlus free games. I’ve only played a couple of missions but it’s pretty good so far, everything I liked about the first seems to be there. I was wary of the “timed missions” element but the first one wasn’t too much of a problem. Relatively speaking, of course, I still

This weekend I’m playing...

Shadow of War continues to be my go to. I am going to have to balance my style of play and not just recruit every single commander (because my equipment gets stale). I had a weird moment last night where I had a mission to help one of my commanders fight an enemy commander. The mission started, and there was an ambush

There’s no shame in save scumming with XCom games. How many 97% shots have my troops missed? Far too many to count. If I fired every one of them that missed a perfect flanking shot, I wouldn’t have a fighting force to put in the field. I try to only save scum when a soldier dies or I fail a mission terribly, though-

You’re far enough along that the real plotline has come out, “Will Kratos learn to be a good dad and pat his son on the fuckin’ back!” The part in the mines where he goes to put his hand on Atreus’ back and then Atreus runs off before he can and he flinches a little...

XCOM 2 is finally starting to get it’s claws in me deep.  This kind of text-heavy stat watcher isn’t ideal for console gaming but I’m still enjoying it. I’m not very far at all and have only just run into the snake villains.  Still the routine I loved about the first game and the frustrations I’ve had so far are

Now playing

Random Discussion Prompt— What’s Your Favorite Special Combat Animation (from any game, RPG/Fighter/Other)?

Wow, congratulations. I just had to bail on it because I was struggling so hard with some bosses that I got sick of having to trudge back from the nearest save point 20 times in a row. I’m a big fan of saving my game to preserve progress, so the Dark Souls thing where you have to find the (rare and far-flung) physical

I keep looking at Rocket League on Steam and resisting. I just don’t know if I have the twitch skills/reflexes to play it, and I kind of suck at online games. I wish it had offline multi-player.

Between a multi-day business trip and watching too much of the World Cup, I’ve had very little time for gaming. This has manifested in me only playing a few battles in World Of Tanks, which currently has a 3 on 3 soccer mode for the duration of the World Cup. I’ve played three of those, and lost all three of them 3-0,

I finished Hollow Knight. It was really good, but the true final boss as well as Master Grimm proved too frustrating for me. So I settled for the less-bad bad ending and will revisit it when the last DLC comes out.

Well, last week I went a bit nutty here as a result of the Steam sale and acted like I was going to play 10 different games or something. Based on this week’s meager results, here’s what I’ll probably actually be playing this weekend.

I went more in-depth on my experience with Yoku’s Island Express last week, but suffice it to say I’m agreeing the movement is a big problem, but in a different way. The fast-travel method in this game is cute and works with the theme of the game, but adds a level of frustration to moving around the map. Getting to

Gorogoa is down! This was no less difficult and obtuse when I started it, but damned if it wasn’t an unbelievably brilliant puzzle game. I’m normally okay with taking some hints in games to move the story along, but I refused here - I mean, the story is the puzzles. One of the later sections had me damn near lose my

Yeah, pretty much. Meeting guest needs isn't difficult, but managing your dinosaurs demands a lot of attention. 

I wonder to what extent any perfect Metroid exists.