
Oh shit! That guy with the beard, he really does exists!!! Looks like he's gonna be taking Supergirl and Wonderwoman home with him...

That's not a police robot going horribly wrong! THIS is a police robot going horribly wrong!!!

@aquajaws: Haha, you're probably right! Maybe B- or C+ ???

I can finally see SyFy's new niche now! Super generic b-movie quality bootleg made for TV movies! You know what? It's starting to actually work for them!

@ku.nundrum: Hot alien chicks, please come abduct me!!! Especially the GoGo Dancer types!!! =P

This wasn't the only time they've done this. I remember seeing numerous trailers for other movies that had "mis-leading" scenes (or possibly didn't make the final cut).

@Marty-Party: Prepare to wait for awhile. HL2: Ep.3 isn't even out yet. It appears Valve would rather allow the market for Portal 2 and Left 4 Dead 3 to fully saturate first, before delving back into the Half Life franchise. Here's to hoping I'm wrong!!!

These are GREAT! It reminds me of my childhood when all I could do was rely on old beat up toys and breaking them down to rebuild homemade "Transformers"!!!

Hype??? What hype? Last week, I've asked several folks at work what movies they plan on watching this month...almost everyone was mentioning something about Last Airbender. Heck, Predators got more hype than this. When I ask about Inception, the room goes silent...

@Brazell: I commend your comment! Finally a starred Giz'er that doesn't sound like an Apple advocate purist. I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and that goes on all grounds whether it's good or bad.

@Jonny_eh: I also like how TerryinSt. Paul indirectly promoted my comment to be in the light for the rebuttals, only to bring yours into direct light for it to be seen by all and for my replies to be invisible again.

@Jonny_eh: Fully aware of that. You are aware that Giz is acting like the red-headed step child that did "daddy" wrong, and have been trying to seek approval ever since.

Foxconn rascals? LoL, I guess here at Gizmodo, if there's anyway to walk around or side step the finger pointing at Apple or "Stevie J" directly, then those would be taken first...

Soooo Playstation Plus will possess my PS3 and make it wake in the night? No thanks, that's freaky!!!

@alltheseposes: Xanax and water wings? Jesus Christ would not approve of that. Look what happened to the Unicorn and the Dragon.

Those are some tacky ass structures, but damn are they insane! You have to admit, Singapore has already spearheaded the future on how modern civilizations may reside!

@RoboticSpacePenguin: I understand that maiming an Apple product is making you upset, and for that you ridicule his shooting skills. But do we even know what range he was firing at and the shooting conditions?